By ClarinetPhoenix on May 31, 2023 at 2:10 AM
  1. ClarinetPhoenix

    ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
    Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader

    Jun 23, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Hey guys, Clar here.

    As you may already know - I have taken over ownership of ECC. Andrewkm has decided to step down due to real life and ongoing medical issues which will be persisting for awhile. I have now taken over all the day to day operations in regards to the server.
    You wont see much of Andrew in-game or on the forums - he is taking on the Developer role and will only be around for a limited time each week for internal upkeep and consultations with myself and my team. He will continue tending to any Help/Support issues that require his absolute attention.

    I know its been quite a roller-coaster ride these past few years, between resets, wild changes to the game and just the general atmosphere on the server being not the greatest. I am very aware that many of you are angry and upset at some of the things that have happened over these years. The loss of assets, the loss of towns/progress and in general the upheaval and instability that has been the tone of those years. It hasn't been pleasant.

    I hope for us to turn over a new leaf, move forward with a goal of stability and keeping ECC a fun place to play.
    This community has always been incredibly strong and we have all carried each other through difficult and tumultuous times, the good, the bad and the wild. I have every faith we will face this one and get through it and come out strong just like in the past. I know for many of you ECC is like home to you. Many of you look forward to coming online after you have finished work, school, or just real life in general. Some of you have forged real bonds and friendships from your shared interest in this gaming community and it has permanently impacted your lives you in ways you did not expect. There is something special to be said about such a gaming community that has that much impact on people's lives.

    My general plan with ECC is keep us stable, focus on making the game more fun and enjoyable and focus on bringing the community together. I also wish to expand the community, welcoming new and old players back to come and spend their free time with us.

    With that said I do have a few things I want to announce.

    First of all the Discord is back online! You are welcome to join it right here:
    The linked game-channels will not yet be live, nor will you be able to link your account and receive your ranks just yet. We will have this system live again within 24-48 hours.

    In the past maintenance would happen whenever and well just whenever and often without warning. Moving forward we will now only be having maintenance on Mondays and Thursdays between 12pm and 4pm EST unless there is an emergency maintenance needed, then it may happen outside these times. This will also be the time which Andrewkm will also handle anything from Help/Support that requires his absolute attention.

    Discord Tag-Roles
    We will no longer be using the 'everyone' tag except when absolutely necessary - even then this is strictly limited to myself.
    Instead I have set up a tag-role system for all of you to utilize.
    Check out #roles and react to the message to get the roles you want to get pings for.
    Now you all have the choice of which sort of notifications you want and you are not forced to endure every single ping. We will add more roles in the future as we see fit.

    Staff Ranks
    Staff will remain much the same. However, at this time the ServerAdmin role remains vacant, I will be looking at choosing a new SA at some point in the near future.

    This is what I have for you right now. At this time I am simply working on getting settled and I know there are tons of suggestions, updates and other things that need tending to. All I ask for is your patience. I also will have more to say down the road however I did want to provide you all with an update now.
    #1 ClarinetPhoenix, May 31, 2023
    Last edited: May 31, 2023