Welcome to my 2015 EcoCityCraft Project! I am creating a Head Museum to record and preserve the faces of EcoCityCraft so that in future years to come, when people have come and gone, they can be remembered for all the great things they have done on ECC as the heads that come to the museum, will stay there until the museum is closed. This town is located at /warp EccHeadMuseum Each Floor will have a certain Rank from ECC, so you will be able to easily find the head you are looking for. Each Head/Skull will have their name above it like so: So what do I need? I would like your heads! The build itself is almost complete so as far as money donations go, there isn't much to put it towards, but if you find someone selling a head or whatnot, check the post below as all the heads in the museum are listed below and then grab it! Here are the list of heads by rank at the museum: Heads Builders : 46 Residents : 89 Mayors : 191 Presidents : 223 Tycoons : 102 EcoLeader : 99 EcoMaster : 17 EcoLegend : 27 Founder : 2 Staff : N/A 798 Heads! Donators A special thanks to these people who have donated money to this cause: Spoiler @andrewkm - $1,000,000 Towards Anything the Town Needs! @dumdum71 - $180,000 Towards Anything the Town Needs! @Bad_Boy1_3 - $100,000 Towards Anything the Town Needs! @Vintage_Gamer - $60,000 Towards Anything the Town Needs @Digger0208 - $50,000 Towards Anything the Town Needs Anonymous - $43,140 for a Town Warp! @Krobkins - $40,000 towards Town Funds! @silencedterror - $30,000 Towards Anything the Town Needs @Haugzo - $25,000 Towards Anything the Town Needs @ShadowHunter4587 - $25,000 towards Town Funds!@KillerkongPro - $20,000 towards Town Funds! @Someb0dy - $20,000 towards Town Funds! @xXNetherXx - $14,500 towards Town Funds! @rockboy2000 - $10,000 towards Town Funds! @_Unknown0 - $10,000 towards Town Funds! @Avaina1918 - $5,000 towards Town Funds! @blakester1999 - $5,000 towards Town Funds! @oYsTeR140 - $5,000 towards Town Funds! @tiffieleigh - $5,000 towards Town Funds! @TimmyChoi - $3,550 towards Town Funds! @314 - $314 & $3141.59 @maroiogog - $2,500 towards Town Funds! @Ninjaboy3113 - $2,000 towards Town Funds! @legotom001 - $1,500 Towards Town Funds @12345shane - $1,264.75 Towards Town Funds @LFDOG - $500 Towards Town Funds @Julia8910 - $153.60 Towards Town Funds Thanks to these people for helping build the Town Portals: Spoiler @GStoner3 for building the Aether Portal Room @jmichael214 for building the Mining Portal Room @KMaxwell for building the Marketplace Portal Room @matt8865 for building the Nether Portal Room @Zedoker for building the PVP Portal Room @Nicit6 for building the End Portal Room @BuildsByGideon for Building the Tutorial Portal Room So Thank You for reading about the head museum and bigger thanks to the people that have helped by donating their heads. If you haven't donated but would like to, pleas contact me through the forums or through /mail or /msg in game. Thanks Again Mission001
Heads/Skulls at the Museum Spoiler: Builders @265 @alohawarrior2002 @ArmaGiraTH @blackfrenchfries @CinnamonMoon @DaftPunkIsBack @DavLamin89 @EmGraceComp @Enochsbud @Firedog63438 @FL_A2 @FormaxLt @FreeChipotle @GelatinBears @iatedogs @ibnfadlan01 @Jamiekelly4 @Jasonknguyen1 @Jaydenw980 @jeggerbomb @john56902 @JOKER1st @lukerochford @Madmancrusher @man1567 @minion1313 @MOnStErTaCo912 @Nachos87 @nschliffka @NuclearW @pennybaby300 @polarwill3 @PolarDino @Poopadoop95 @PrinceEthan @reeree52 @SilverSwordK @slimysteves04 @specture5000 @stickman1818 @syphonzero @Tbrooks @terrorsangel @The_Aquabats @theozzy1010 @Zman9035 Spoiler: Residents @007_ , (redshadow17900) @360firedude @Agent_Turtle_007 @anboss1 @animal_spawner @Appl3Dark @Bobcatscout @bubblebutt1234 @bubbleb24 @catman797 @CG_Nick @cindy_k @Commet222 @cookie_doough @Coolkat271 @cornhusker144 @CreeperAMP @damien2ralph2 @Dedekind19 @dhrum1234567899 @DjCookiemaster @DollarMenu4762 @Egoterror @Exilenela @FallenStar222 @Fatmandan2457 @FluffPuff100 @gokux45 @gzdten @hamburgerhunter @huntershaw12 @HxroTV @imthatsmell7 @ItProSlayerz @JaiJeezy @jayjay4848 @jcamp88 @Jrod28Birrd @Julia8910 @Kevex101 @KinkyWhisker @L_vader @landeeno215 @LFDOG @made_in_china222 @mark123swag @Master_Spoon @MarvinMartian77 @matrix_rep @mr_DOPE @_MrDuck @muchi21 @Murcady9909 @MynameisReecez @ninjadude501 @ninjamatrix_607 @noah21n @Nrc0611 @owensmine @padsen @peanuts4000 @PIGGER_LORD @rickyneves @Riddick64 @RobertKeller25 @SalsaWizard @sammi_4095 @Scrixas @seefour @semaprusp @ServantGrunt @siggy11 @Simone1026 @soysos7342 @staples441 @SteaMonkey @Supreme21 @swagasian014 @swiminracha @T_Ann @TAFK @Thorpian @TimmyChoi @tman7435 @trollboss123 @TSWizard @turtle_john123 @WhiteTiger10 @Xx5mike5xX Spoiler: Mayors @4tee @aedanmiller @Alannah_Raven @AlkanGains @Almoace @amarta0811 @AnthonyANguyen @anvildash @Arithon @Aro_ @Artywhacker @baileyandjosh @BellaDusty @Bennzar1 @Birdnerd47 @bkamoua (@_1_2_Kappa_3_4_5 ) @BlackSnowAngel17 @blakester1999 @bobman3355 @bombfacter @bubba1001000 @BuyLowSeIIHigh @cahlawat1 @candysweetcheaks (@Derpy_Candy ) @cartoonr @Chicken790 @cjgrupe @Cool_Sparky @coolkatyperry909 @crazboyz1 @CrazyConductor @CreativeSoum @crow_feather @cyril_figgis @deegan987654321 @destroyer2441 @DLLG @Dragoax @ElementalBoom @EMD3000 @Enzonium @eMar2000 (Emar_The_Pro) @Emerald_Starz @Emmehh @EvasivePeach3 @Spirit_of_love_ (FGHJTYUI) @FoxtrotBlackFlag @funkyfish101 @FuryFudge @GairBear666 @gaget122 @Galendor @GamingFoxYT @Glackmore @goofyslittlegirl (560L) @green_tiger77 @grondman03 @GTREX55 @habsjosh @hacker78 @HDvorteX @HelenDKN @HollywoodFred @icantthinkofanam @ItsNoodleTime @JacksonML @JackThePigSlayer @JacobUSN @Jimmy7105 (@RGFePiX ) @jgaevilmasters @Jmillertime @John7879 @Jotolink @k91616 @Kafas1 @kardo09 @kevinwelch2001 @Killerforhire66 @kiraxo14 @KiwiAngelTwist @Krillx022 @kyle_16777216 @LaggyTryHard @ldw116 @LegendaryTrio @Legoperson @legotom001 @little_turtle @lukas294 @Madeline630 @MagicFanatic @Maizah @Makarov210 @Marmax8 @MaXoutLoLz @MCFan77 @Minifey33 @missusboss @mollymcin @Monchy93 @Monkeyz505 @MoonNasa @moopmoop00 @MorlindMom @Mr360zack @MrWaffaJaffa (@Conorx) @NCCIntrepid @neecoalage @Netsui @ninjapancake52 @NR2502 @Ob112 @OLDFART_ @oOscarletOo @owenfox7722 (@Dry_Water) @_Padfoot_ @Peachy14 @Pesky_Pest @picky2708 @pierceporcher15 @PiggyyBank @piplup34 @PlayerX1337 @pokeashpoke (@TheBluePickle ) @PoolChick @poptartlol @postwarpreston @prettykitten14 @Rachel8484 @RaginDevonian @raider666 @RailefBear @rainengal @rainbowdonkey92 @RandomGuy216 @Rebecca_2_op @rh2wilson @ringleader_whip @iTzLuck (RJ0026) @RoboticReaper @Roese @Rose188 @rumball123 @ruffneck50 @sakuraharuno1982 @sammielady @sbcroix @shayshay27 @ShelbyM5428 @skyclimber47 @silencedterror @skatechick28 @sleeper59 @snackbone @snickers199811 @soap55 @StingyPvP @StitchTwoSix @SwampAss04 @SynWannabe @thecooljew @thegrimcr33p3r @Thejakernator @thenetherman1958 @ThorOfAngels @Tganuncio @THCOOL @Tonyenike @Toymaster3 @turneep10 @Twingirlaimee @twingirlkylie @Tytanner3 @Unicow1221 @UNSC69 @upmoon @volcarona955 @_W2 @wearecity @wenxuan100 @WhiteSoxFan123 @Whynot2121 @williamannin @xA_Jqck_Mx @xam846 @xxdawsonisepicxx @xXNetherXx (thenetherman1958) @xYoyoOG @Xz_Xenon_zX @ze7707 @zjkhan @zoraork555 @Zururu Spoiler: Presidents @0TheRedHerring0 @12345shane @1980_BonJovi (hilv) @1purplejade @29dude @314 @8MasterBlaster8 @Adware (Robin2310) @AJCowLover @ajp79 @_Alanis_ @Alarah @alpacahearder @Androo84 @antcubing @Aqua_Luna3 @ASilverFox @Avaina1918 @Avowin @Ayakben @BennyPOtter5679 @bhwebworld @BigB_Man @bigboyblue0220 @BlueNinjaMC @BLTWitch @BlueQuakeAdmin_ @Calevmir @CammyLee @Captain_Death_33 @CarterPvP_ (@IcePvPz) @CBear321 @chanimeryl @ChargerBoltz5 @chargers2417 @cheese_ball_3 @Chiblin @CHOMPIN_02 @cjmk75 @ClaireBear94 @creeperheat @___Crowley___ (captin__obvious)(Stormogeddin) @DalphiaRose @Danielman33 @DaNuclearMuffin @Dare2Dream @dave_79 (@Wikid_Me ) @Dj2Munchie @Dr_Dragon_Slayer @drabc @eddieabery @egkoston @EkiSangheart ElementalCharm - (@SimsElemental ) @EndersXP @Epiphone335 @Expipiplusone @Expo13 @eyesee3 @Wow___ (FazeAmerican) @fenolix @Ferid_Kamoua @FiFyFoFumOtter @FLAM1NGDEER @Folie_a_Deux @Fon_ @GAMERMEL2002 @Gernen @ghostsjack01 @Glimpseseer @glockemdown @Glooble @GoddessLaverna @Grande_Sucio @Grantcfo @GStoner3 @Gwism @HCPillarofFire @horselover3 @huntmeister97 @IceGuardian98 @Idostuff @ScibbyG (jgrockstar73) @Igunnaechoo @ilovegir56 @Im_Dino_Mite (Byakuya_Kuchiki) @Inamine @iTzXtremeGaming @jackross74 @Jacob43365 @jakeyray18 @JimmyZ0811 @Jobin_Whiffer1 @jgrockstar73 - (@ScibbyG) @jbertig @kalvb123 @killrdarknes @Jodie99 @JoshCraft_FTW @Joshuwat @jvhosmuffin @kecks07 @Kinger24 _kiwi_cat_ @knears2000 @koko_2022 @Koubashii @KTFilms @LanRooks @lapkingkn @LaserBadger @Lawrencce @LCPrecords @Lewis_King @liammu301 @Libbyyjo @Limee (Limecini) @Lurxolt @Maco20047 @mardy8 @Masonrf @mattybillo1 @MattShark7 @Mika8117 @Minerforger @MollyZhu @MoofinK @mookiema @MrBubblez98 @MrErem @myminecrafter01 @Neuthung @_NIAGARA_ @nickel274678 @niklasniesen2002 @Ninjaboy3113 @nradke22 @Obblebobble @Olinova @oootopia @outerlocal @Overprotected @Phil_The_Hippo @Photonoid (Shadow_112013) @physyy @PiBeta @pokeball92870 @pokemon9508 @PolarIceKangaroo @Porkchopsandwhic @quefueve @rabidworm @RagMan17 @Recalled @Rheasmom @runakilli @RyanJF1 @ryynanen @SarahGH @scotalot100 @SerStove (CashCactus) @ShadowHunter4587 @ShawnMcCall @Sheathok @Sheep_mage @Sierah_T29 (icecream32112) @_Sim @SirChilledMrHobo @sitomo @skittlesbanana @skymaster200 @Skywalker9 @SlinkyRabbit @snowbleie @Someb0dy @SparklyPotato2 @Sputnick587 @StanleyMines @stin23 @stoler202 @synss @Talulajadeuk @TheBuckeye11 @Thecreator767 @theman12143 @The_Walrus_8 @TheWizardofNoz (slayer72727) @tiffieleigh (BeachBumChick) @Tilikum3115 @tommied7 @_Tony_Stark__ @ttcheshier56 @Tullypup12 @TunedMassDamsel @UnitedStates2002 @_Unknown0 @usapresident999 @vengfulbacon @Vintage_Gamer @voiD_yO @vtnick @vwman67 @voiD_yO @washingtonc @webman11123 @will_the_warrior @wpooney @xboyfernz @xWILLISxFREAKx0 @XxDiamondxBackxX @xZestyx (WestenJ) @youiyoui1 @yokeby52 @Zeek87 @zwunder Spoiler: Tycoons @AcTiVeMonkey @ajr000 @annyonion @AnotherBrother @ArisenBatman @ASauer @BaccaAMP @Bad_Boy1_3 @Bashdash100 @bathroom14 @Blizzard_04 @Canadian_Apple @CemCrazy @Chundi_Jr @cksoccer @clou44 @ConferateBoys @ctop_1013 @Dccciz @DCxCyBeR @Donny96 @Ellie27 @elricofmelnibone @Epicmiti @Evanj421 @Falconaire @FamilyFurst @FenikkusuPho (PhoenixProject15) @frenchhornplayer @FreshSigh (matthew_gruber) @GeorgiaMC @ghostthecatalyst @goblizz @GoddessEspeyaar (sprayware) @igorvanloo @Imaginex @IzTheWizKid @JamieSinn @jaygen @Jffsprs @Jose0213 @Jrg5978 @jwpwns @Kissthis @laff80 @Lee1104 @lexi731rocs @loganeric @luccowarleo @luxuriantspy5 @KvBillo @matt8865 @maroiogog @MaxToMinimum @Mendiboi @MinecraftParkerH @miniCLH @mista_J @SubaruIsBestBoo (NAVYSEALS2000) @neppy2 (@Empress_Cixi ) @nicoviacava1210 @NinjazOwnager @Nyancats33 @Officialminer @Brian_Crimmeh @officepwnz123 @pbrassat17 (pbrassat) @priMELval @producerNL @rockboy2000 @rosypolly @RyanZ112233 @SaGeRobbA @Samurai_N @shrinkwrap4me @sick24 @SirSpuzzy @Smorezs @SnDxCH4RG3R @soyuzpixel @Spangler17 @Starleana @steveshizzle @SuburbSomeone @swilling236 @Tanman17 @techy88 @TheYoungGun @Trey_B @TwistedEssence @vdubmastertech @victorparas @WeirdBuilder @willclo @xdogx @xxemuxx @Zach_Attack252 @zedoker @Zeno78 @Zombie_Jamboree Spoiler: EcoLeaders @151baccardi @1nite_domination @1Whetam1 @888miner888 @a18greek18 @alpert3925 @Andusj @appleprocucling @Assajj_Ventress @austinsplaneguy @bmanvman @bobbysix6 @Caitlin_Crime @Cardinal3 @cdlawrence @ChaaadMaxxx @CrazySwagMaster1 @Ctoolme @D0rc @David_Torento @DeenoTwelve @DevotedToChrist @dgam02 @Digger0208 @donkey5k @dork1877 @drewbo173 @DrowningInPizza @dumdum71 @eben48 @Enougher @evilring @FFAJdubStompCats @fordboy33 @Frank_Castle @GMaxx @Gogoplatau @Harryhaz1 @Ian__D @icondigi @iEvolive @Imabankthing @Iticip (BillyTL) @Jdawger @Jetscat @Joseph01234 @Joliver @kconahan @khrones @Kick_Me_1235 @KillerkongPro @konan200x @kukelekuuk00 @_Alienware_ (Loneassassin199) @LordNate (nate80000) @MadMonster_ @MAJOR_LENNIX @MattBrpQc @mikeace60 @minecraftninja05 @Mochocrap @ModernPerils @Ndm57dcraft @Nicole_2_op @NoM0R @oreo1227 @Original_Jackson @Ozzyblack21 @partyman909 @pat2100 @peregrines3469 @pokemaster08 @Red_Pandaz_13 @Revanrose6 @riku1301 @Samanthurr (samiwarbler) @SCgenesis @shadowballxx1 @SKSoccer @Skylexia @Slayer_Boy_2000 @slvrplme @SoftlyPsychotic @SSolaire @StaticClaus (staticage98) @TaylorBros22 @taylordaisy @tguy101 @TheHolyStick22 @TheN00BISHPanda @thomasku11 @TJanicki @TomKellyCreeper (TomKC) @UnknownRider @VTFAN8 @_VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV (nickla3107) @xLegend_Killer @zardyger @ZevZero @zr2002 Spoiler: Ecomasters @7amoodw @a_man21 @ChrisDKN @Delucaco @Diamond396 @eekelmo @emongolab @Jackson_G14 @Jonathug_ @liamfrench @MCHelix3000 @miner1975 @Phantomine @_Royal_Vulpes_ @sinder33 @xpurexcorex @xX3PICREBELXx @ZevZero Spoiler: EcoLegends @3point14mp @AdmiralD @averagejoe2012 @BackToThePast @block_crusher @brandbauer (blowtube123) @BuildsByGideon @ClarinetPhoenix @Da_Tirtow @Dewsy92 @freddyagogo @Hiccabup @idkhowtoplay @jmichael214 @__John__Galt__ @KMaxwell @Krobkins @Ladyvamptress @Mission001 @Nicit6 @purplelegoender @strongpelt @_TANSTAAFL @ThomasVerth @usernameofdeath @wolfwoodnyo @zorracraft
So...congratulations to @Mission001 for beheading me. It was a tough fight. On one side - 314, with his soul in his inv. On the other side - mission. 70 levels of exp. I should have brought my maxed armour. XD Anyway, congratulations. I think this head and the one in my vault will be the only ones ever existing. Btw, @Mission001. Please promise to never ever sell the head.
Same here. there is only ONE mookiema head floating around. Pleasure having my head chopped off by you. Experts have valuated it at around $1,000,000,000,000,000,000.00
I would love to come to some kind of agreement in which yours heads could be placed alongside mine inside the museum, a convosation to be had i hope soon <3 Thanks to @webman11123 @huntershaw12 @mookiema <---(this guy is great) @314 and another half a dozen of people who let me have thei heads tonight! And @314 , no heads will ever been sold from this collection, Thanks <3
I can donate my head and some cash or materials if needed. I also have Partyman909's head in a chest somewhere (but then again, who doesn't).
I shall try and contact you both in game when i have a chance as id love to have your heads s part of the collection <3
Would be happy to help with any building to go along with this. You already have my head, you murderer.