So I have quite a bit of money and decided to give back to the community. I'm doing a 1 dollar giveaway. Here is the app: Ign: Why u want the money:
Ign: The_Walrus_8 Why u want the money: I want to get money because I regret spending 65k in a lotto and dind't won against a 1 ticket buyer, and i know its selfish but i want to get President Rank (I guess I won get chose for my selfishness but please, understand my feeling) P.-S.: Sorry for my poor English
Ign: matrix_rep Why i want money to help get money towards my actual give away not a troll one like this one XD
Ign Infinity_blader Why u want the money To gain more financial support, since i got scammed 125000 ecd
So I have quite a bit of money and decided to give back to the community. I'm doing a 1 dollar giveaway. Here is the app: Ign:TOMIDSEVEN Why u want the money:BCUZ ERR 1 LUVZ MI <3 ND ILY 2.
Ign: MBK2345 Why u want the money: I would like this significant amount of money, because it could truly help me in completing my many projects, that I own/co-own with my Teams/Friends
Every $ helps... IGN: Ian_Morrolan Why I want the money: that dollar could put me over the top for President one day!