Welcome to the ECCHeadMuseum Collections Page This will essentially have pictures of all the collectables I have acquired over the time I have been on EcoCityCraft. From Named items, Original books, Hearts to Lored one of a kind items. All will be posted in this thread. This town is located at /warp EccHeadMuseum Some of these pictures were moved from the original thread : https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ecocitycraft-head-museum.115542/ because of the lag that was caused editing the 2nd post. So I have decided to make there own thread dedicated to them. Unfortunately the items cannot be seen in the town but are located in the various chests around the edge of the town. If you would ever like to donate any item, book, heart or anything you might think fits in the collection. Please don't hesitate to contact either of these people: @Mission001 @Ladyvamptress @Krobkins Our inboxes on the forum are also always open if you would like to discuss something with us. Thanks for your time and enjoy
Lored Items & Collections 12 Days of Christmas 2014 Event --- Easter Egg Hunt 2015 Event Currently Obtained: Pig, Enderman, Slime x2, Guardian, Squid, Bat, Ghast, Wolf, Ocelot, Blaze, Silverfish, Cow, Witch, Chicken, Creeper --- Mob Eggs Currently Obtained: Blaze, Cave Spider, Creeper, Enderman, Endermite, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Magma Cube, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Stray, Vex, Vindicator, Witch, Zombie, Zombie Pigman, Bat, Chicken, Cow, Horse, Husk, Llama, Mooshroom, Ocelot, Pig, Polar Bear, Rabbit, Sheep, Squid, Villager, Wolf, Blank Egg --- Music Disc Collection Currently Obtained: cat, 13, blocks, far, wait, strad, mellohi, chirp, stal, mall, ward, 11 --- Boss Armor Currently Obtained: Phys Helm of Hacking x2, Jakey's Chestplate of Cheating x3, Dewsy's Leggings of Luxury x2, Nicit's Boots of Buttkicking x2 --- ECC Mental Awareness Week 2016 Books Complete Staff Set --- Star Shop Blocks Currently Acquired Bedrock Block, Wither Skeleton --- 2016 Midsummer Festival Collection Full Set Obtained: Midsummer Helmet x2, Midsummer Chestplate x2, Midsummer Leggings x2, Midsummer Boots x2, Midsummer Nights Dream Bow x2, Midsummer Nights Dream Sword x2, Midsummer Candle, Midsummer Fruitcake, Midsummer Compass, Midsummer Fruit, The Fires of Hestia Book, Midsummer Token (All Lored items) --- Misc Lored/Rare Items Owned by @maroiogog Christmas 2016 Piston Barrier Block Lure VIII Star Rod --- Reserved
Library Skylexia’s Staff Class Homework Homeworks from ExStaff: Annyonion, Glooble, Joesph01234, jvwhosmuffin, mikeace60, peregrines3469, LegendaryTrio, zedoker, Gogoplatau, Core_Diver, revanrose6, unknownrider, Stolio, welikeike22 Thanks to @Skylexia for donating these --- Books by Name of Author: Books in RedBold are Christmas Gifts that aren't placed in the main collection A @a_man21 - 'KPD app.' @a_man21 - 'Co-Mayor' @a18greek18 - 'a' @AbbyDaSwagChick - 'Noobiest Nub' @alanvincent - 'Saving money' @andrewkm - 'The Secret' @annyonion - 'Eat Your Onions' @antcubing - 'The Truth' @ArcherT82 - '.--.-....-...' @ASauer - 'The Easter Story' @austinsplaneguy - 'A sad sad story' @austinsplaneguy - 'Hi' @Avowin - 'Gas joke' B @BaccaAMP - 'EFF 7' @BaccaAMP - 'Eff7 Coords' @BaccaAMP - 'Happy 7th B-Day' @bailey0799 - 'Gamer Love' @bailey0799 - 'Project Steve Mo' @Bashdash100 - 'Sassy Me' @BAK12345 - 'Application' @Berserk_on_xbl - 'Berserk_on_xbl @BigAl512 - 'Farmania-PermsFr' @BigB_Man - 'application' @brooksiejr23 - 'My Proposal' @Brycey465 - 'The lost knight' @bybee2011 - 'kukes life story' C @Caitlin_Crime - 'Happy 1 Month' @CaptainCheesy - 'CCS Stock' @captin__obvious - 'Legworth Rules' @carter2441 - 'carter2441' @chatbox283 - 'a18greek18' @chatbox283 - 'a18greek18 2' @chatbox283 - 'AWSOME FRIENDS' @Cheetohead - 'Brewing Guide' @chloejustice - 'Thank you' @CHOMPIN_02 - 'tps' @cdlawrence - 'Thanks!' @clou44 - 'About Me' @clou44 - 'Best Seller!' @clou44 - 'Cracker's Xmas' @clou44 - 'Kuke's Xmas' @clou44 - 'Merry Christmas!' @clou44 - 'Merry Christmas!' (My Own Copy) @CocoJewel20 - 'Look at pg. 5' @Commanderblood - 'The Hour' @CP3fan1 - 'Phant the Strong' @creeping6789 - 'Test 1 Steroids' D @D0rc - 'No.' @D4NTE_3 - 'Library Card' @dannielmai - 'Dannielmai' @DaNuclearMuffin - 'The Muffin Story' @dAtsheepd0e - 'Baaa' @destroyer2441 - 'destroyer2441' @Dewsy - 'Happy Easter '15' @djnecroninja - 'Crew Application' @dimeslime459 - 'Life' @drewbo173 - 'Thank You' @drewbo173 - 'The contract' @Dude6688 - 'Coupon' @Dude6688 - 'license' @dylpickle98 - 'hoy gon cadeedle' E @enochsbud - 'The Ugly Barnacl' @emongolab - 'TeamRheas' @evevet101 - 'Application' @Evanescence_ - 'sadsdad' F @Falconaire - 'Falcon's Book' @fedex6573 - 'FEDEX6574 SOUL' @FreeTNTForYou - '- Reapolis I -' @Frostystorm1 - Book i Found' @Frostystorm1 - 'Steve - Legit' @fruitreep - 'BESTE BFF ' @fruitreep - 'Eerste kamer 001' G @garatto - 'Intro to garatto' @georgie0417 - 'Happy One Year!' @GirlyGamer191 - 'Mob Love part 1' @glockemdown - 'woot woot' @Glooble - 'Woobled' @GLORIOUSTACO69 - 'TACO and GOOF' @gmantiger - 'You Dont Have Taco' @Grantcfo - 'The ECC Times II' @GTREX55 - 'application' H @habsjosh - 'insurance rules' @hawai_five_o - 'Black Sheep Wool' @Henkievw - 'Yo mamma's book' I @I_AM_DANGER - 'Heyyy' @Imabankthing 'Merry Christmas' (2016) @Imabankthing 'Merry Christmas' (2017) @idkhowtoplay - 'a' @idkhowtoplay - 'S&W B1 P1' @idkhowtoplay - 'S&W B1 P2' @IggyKoopa - 'RAID!!!!' @ilovegir56 - 'Dear Skittles.' @Imaginex - 'Commands/Advice' @ImaginexMakers - 'BSweeney32' @imtheking444 - 'Journal 1' @insidiouslounge - 'Feedback' @inkybait - 'A letter' @inkybait - 'My Purple' J @Jackcraft09 - 'Contract XD' @jakeyray18 - 'Jakeyray18's' @JamieSinn - 'Christmas 2014' @jcc00 - 'My Life Story' @Jdawger - 'BigBookOfSilence' @JerichoKross - 'KrossRoads Info' @jeroen1665 - 'yo!' @Jesse0192/USER] - 'Thank you!' @Jesse0192/USER] - 'The Wedding' @jhebert2012 - 'Cool.' @jhebert2012 - 'Hmmmmmm.' @joel997 - 'EXAMPLE' @joey41586 - 'Basic Farming' @JoJo965 - 'JOKES - JoJo965' @jonathen22 - 'omg' @jonathen22 - 'wtf' @Jorgy411 - 'asd' @Julia8910 - 'Ode to Mission' @Julia8910 - 'The Banner Book' @justinbiggle - 'Minecraft Adv.' @justinbiggle - 'Resident' K @KaielySannders33 - 'Are You A Fairy?' @killercommando2 - 'THANK YOU' @King_Apex - 'Merry Christmas!' @kingofmurder - 'NJMHRERGYTRM' @kinnakeet - 'im stupid' @kit_kat400 - 'MY NAME IS BOB' @_kiwi_cat_ - '_Swaggy_cat_' @KMaxwell - 'Happy Hallowe'en' @kodellaeo - 'Little Boy Blue' @konan200x - 'Dear Gummy Bear' @konan200x - 'wya ya' @Krobkins - 'Christmas 2017' @kukelekuuk00 - 'Dark Girl' L @Ladyvamptress - 'LadyV's Lists' @Lawrencce - 'Law's Autograph' @lavajok - 'The Story of Dog' @legitgolfer - 'winner!!!' @legotom001 - 'The Impossile' @levinlea000 - 'Casino Guidebook' @Licorious - 'First Town Plans' @Licorious - 'Sing To Me' @Licorious - 'Sky Die' @LoudHoller - 'The Muffin' M @Maco20047 - '#97' @MaddyKittyKat - 'FORGOATZRMYLIFE' @MadisonCraft16 - 'READ THIS' @Marceltheboss22 - 'Menu' @Mardigan_The_Mad - 'To: Kutless' @Mardigan_The_Mad - 'Mardigan :)' @Matteymoo2 - 'Rules' @mcg1 - 'ECC Guide :)' @MCHelix3000 - 'Book 22' @minecraftlcw - 'minecraftlcw' @minersteve111 - 'About Suburb' @Mission001 - 'BOH' @Mission001 - 'IoU' @MochoCrap - 'Staff' @Mr_Doom_Bringer - 'Come Again' @mrpublic - '~"~"~"~'º∑^'"∆∑' @mrpublic - '3' @mrpublic - 'FISH' @mrpublic - 'Minewars master' @mrpublic - 'Please' @Mr_Smiley0527 - 'Super Christmas' @MSU_Spartans321 - 'Book' @Muffins_AH - ENDERDRAGON N @Ndm57dcraft - 'Mental Heath 1' @Ndm57dcraft - 'MentalHealthWeek' @newarrior - 'Best Wishes' @_NIAGARA_ '.....???' @_NIAGARA_ - 'Certification' @_NIAGARA_ - 'Congrats' @_NIAGARA_ - 'Inactivity' @_NIAGARA_ - 'OPEN' @_NIAGARA_ - 'resume' @_NIAGARA_ - 'TOWNS!!! YAY' @Nick_A_Naut - 'I WANT MA HORSE' @Nicit6 - 'His Soul' @Nutty_cole - 'Thine book!' O @o_Hades_o - 'Punctuation' @ocarinaman5400 - 'ECC Prosperity' @OlympiansAreGods - 'Merry Christmas' @oreo1227 - 'sadsasadsadsasd' @oYsTeR140 - '-oYsTeR140' @oYsTeR140 - 'oYsTeR140' @oYsTeR140 - 'Prize :)' P @padsen - 'Hard Work' @padsen - 'Not A Meme Pt 2' @peregrines3469 - 'Kuk' @person13 - 'The Fact Sphere' @Planet789 - 'Huzza News' @pokemon9508 - 'A18's Gift' @PolarIceKangaroo - 'Donators!' @poptartlol - 'Mah Diary' @poptartlol - 'Man On The Moon.' @poptartlol - 'OH MY DAYUM' @priMELval - 'Keep this empty' @priMELval - 'nubcake' @priMELval - 'Reasons I'll never get staff'' @priMELval - 'Scary Stories' @priMELval - 'Mel' @producerNL - 'Secrets of lot' @pwnzor101 - 'How to Make Cash' @Python918 - 'Happy Holidays' Q @Queen_Brookiee - '娜屁维杰 @quefueve - 'The Real Truth' R @rabidworm - 'Waffles' @Raccooy - '1Year Ctoolme' @Rachel8484 - 'Food menu' @Rachel8484 - 'Hint' @Rachel8484 - 'Hint #1' @Rachel8484 - 'Hint #3' @Rachel8484 - 'K, you won' @Rachel8484 - 'Signed By Rachel' @RagMan17 - '4 tangerineman!' @RagMan17 - '<3 Love you all' @RagMan17 - 'Merry Christmas!' @Revanrose6 - 'Cracker :D' @Revanrose6 - 'To the Cactus' @Revanrose6 - 'Zedo' @Riggs316 - 'The Big Secret' @riku1301 - 'GreenEggsAndHam' @Rose188 - '3 Reasons essay' @rosypolly - 'its my name!' @rosypolly - 'signature' @ryan102199 - 'Town rules' @ryancostner - 'best mayor award' @RyanJF1 - ':D' S @Scar1face1 - 'BEING WATCHED' @secshun8ball - 'RI Rules/Info @SgtPepper217 - 'The Cabin' @ShelbyM5428 - 'To My Syn <3' @Shersando - 'Shersando <3' @sinder33 - 'ulimitid e-repai' @SirChilledMrHobo - 'The Jedi Code' @sitomo - 'FOR cyerye' @sitomo - 'Important, read' @sitomo - 'Important, read!' @sitomo - 'MUST READ' @sitomo - 'MUST READ!' @SKSoccer - 'Town Deed' @Slayer_boy_2000 - 'Hypnos Cabin' @Slayer_boy_2000 - 'Then00bishpanda' @Slayer_boy_2000 - 'Town thing I' @Slayer_boy_2000 - 'Tyche cabin' @sneakyshot - 'Job Application' @spocklin - 'Diploma' @Sputnick587 - 'Cerkern' @SRV123445 - 'Aplication' @stigarose - 'Merry Christmas' @stoler202 - 'Services' @SynWannabe - 'Syn's Autograph' T @tangerineman2293 - 'Herobrine!' @TBM_Striker - 'To Ozmomo' @t_bone199205 - 'Old Lady Poem' @tcanton233 - 'Choose Your adv.' @teamellis - 'bye bye' @teofilovic - 'Best book ever! @TERMINN8ER - 'Potion Basics' @tguy101 - 'ECC Newspaper' @tguy101 - 'IFB Policies V1' @Thecreator767 - 'a rap' @Thecreator767 - 'awesomeness' @Thecreator767 - 'blah' @Thecreator767 - 'Creator Diary' @Thecreator767 - 'creator rant' @Thecreator767 - 'DO IT' @Thecreator767 - 'Don't stop party' @Thecreator767 - 'Dramatic book' @Thecreator767 - 'end' @Thecreator767 - 'History of Wars' @Thecreator767 - 'LEEDLELEELDELELD' @Thecreator767 - 'meaning of life' @Thecreator767 - 'sharktown' @Thecreator767 - 'SWAG' @Thecreator767 - 'the end' @Thecreator767 - 'THE END IS NIGH!' @TheEnergyProject - 'Contract' @thegrimcr33p3r - 'Swininracha' @TheN00BISHPanda - 'Dear Slayer! :D' @TheRandomOwl624 - 'Dear blueluigi..' @TheRandomOwl624 - 'Dear death...' @TheYukbob - 'Storage Wars' @TimmyChoi - 'MISHON001' @TimmyChoi - 'Mishon's Gift' @trevalynfar - 'Trevalynfar' U V @voiD_yO - 'Enter teh void @voltair42 - 'Light/Dark' @voltair42 - Maturity&Naivety @Voting4Pedro - 'Extreme 1' W @WeirdBuilder - 'To do list' @welikeike22 - 'anti-staff memo' @welikeike22 - 'ERHTSERD WERNDER' @welikeike22 - 'Happy Honeymoon' @welikeike22 - 'Instructions' @welikeike22 - 'RAINBOW MONKEYS' @welikeike22 - 'Skybrpqc | Bill' @welikeike22 - 'Skylexia - Bill' @welikeike22 - 'STUPID HIPPIES 4' @welikeike22 - 'STUPID HIPPIES 6' @welikeike22 - 'STUPID HIPPIES 7' @welikeike22 - 'STUPID HIPPIES 9' @welikeike22 - 'UNLUCKY LOT BOOK' @Weston2323 - 'one request' @WhiteStarX0312 - 'Merry Christmas!' @WhiteStarX0312 - 'Poptarted.....' @WiKiDOne - 'Awaits' @WiKiDOne - 'Between' @WiKiDOne - 'The Final Clue' @WiKiDOne - 'The Melon Sword' @WiKiDOne - 'X1313 Z1313 &' X @xpurexcorex - 'MERRYXMASMission' Y @yakoubfrancis - 'please' @y0landi - '#Alchemy#Setup# @Yolowen22 - 'The troll book' Z @zcap12 - 'Spawners and You' @zcroden - 'My timeline at' @Zedoker - ':3' @Zedoker - '800k Lotto Win.' @zweb29 - 'Zweb29' 1-10 @12345chris54321 - 'Lotto Life' @1Nicholas1222 - 'RIP Kooleoguy' @3point14mp - 'a' @3point14mp - 'Hey Phantomine' @560L - 'Herobrine' @76Nova - 'Legend.' @7airlinepilot - 'member' @98brando - 'St. Ives'
Haven't updated in awhile 35 Books added to the Library. More pictures to follow in the next few weeks.