Minecraft Name: snowbleie Suggestion: Create/ Run an EcoCityCraft Subreddit Reason: Millions of users us Reddit Daily! We can not only have a SubReddit For great posts, but we can get the ECC name out there! Reddit is Considerd the "Front Page of the Internet." Servers have raised on Reddit, and I think ECC can do the same. Any Other Information: I know quite a bit about Reddit, and am a Mod on a few Subreddits myself. I Can help running it if help is needed. Link To This Plugin: www.reddit.com
I love Reddit! I honestly don't think Andrew will go through with this. He is a very busy person. I'm sure one that is ran by a user wouldn't be too bad, but they will need to be active and trusted.
Andrew, if you want, I can look into setting ECC up with a nice reddit page. I would just need your ok to ask for control of the ECC page another user has set up already. (This is if you want it offical, I can do a community thing off to the side too.)
Hahaha snowbleie, you beat me to the suggestion. I currently own the EcoCityCraft subreddit, as I took it so that I could suggest it. The reason I took it is so that if this suggestion came out, and say a builder read it, they would not go and take the subreddit, and then say, only give it back if andrewkm gave them something in return. I was my way of making sure it satyed safe, as I am very happy to hand it over. This didn't go as I planned, I must say.
Staff have control of this subreddit now. It will remain locked until Staff decides its future. Sm3t was awesome during this transfer. He gladly handed control over to the server. Thank you Sm3t.