Hello my name is bawston81, today I would like you to take my stupid quiz! This will soon become a forum game in which the test will change every two to three days. But first you must get a sample of how this test will be. To pass this test you will need to get six out of ten questions right.(If you fall this test it foes not mean you're stupid it means the questions are stupid!). Begin! 1). What color is the red? 2). What's a "Tirtle"?: 3). Who is andrewkm?: 4). Do you like turtles?: 5). Pumpkin farm with a hoe or watch paint dry?: Boom. You have now finished the "ECC Stupid Quiz". Now since you have read the questions I wrote and seen how uncreative they are.... You obviously don't want me writing most of the questions. That is why I want you guys to pm me the stupid questions you wrote for the "ECC Stupid Quiz" and you will be paid $100 dollahs in cash for each question that is used from the ones you sent in!