Just the title suggests, on the "staff list" it doesn't have me4502 on it..... Ya... Thats Pritty much it : p Staff list : memberlist.php?mode=leaders
The only one on the list is KHobbits because he is also a Game Admin. The other developers develop the plugins that we use and don't moderate the server. They aren't considered "staff".
Khobbits isnt allowed to ban or anything like ryan He is given that as most of the commands that the ranks use is essentials
KHobbits is a Supermod, and is able to do any function a supermod is able to do, and also has special access to commands required for development for the server. The other devs are not actually moderators of the server, they simply have access to some extra commands that have to do with developing for the server, and can not perform any function specific to moderation. List of Supermods