***************** Land is being claimed fast. Real-estate is going up! Few notes: Mayor stays at 85,000 and it will not go up. Infact we may even decide to lower it. This is so all new users have a chance to own land. Presidents price is going from 140K - 180K (Shouldnt be too big of an increase) After the second town prices increase quite fast. (At 10K more each level) Ex: +80K, +90K, etc. (Owning tons of land on ECC will no longer be as cheap as it used to be due to how fast the server is growing) * Theres one way to avoid these prices when making a 400x400 (4 towns) town and bigger. Work together and work with friends Join your towns side by side!
+1 The poor can still buy cheap land but the rich have to pay more to get more. Seems about right RagMan
Something like that. LOL I think this is a good for the long term of things but it's a shame for the RMS TItanic project. :|
When you clump towns together are you alowwed to make 1 portal for all4 towns and have every town pitch in?
You can, it will however be only located in ONE town (and under their name). Just have that mayor apply and place the portal near where the 4 towns meet. (It has to be all within one town zone). Just a warning though, you are trusting the mayor who applies to keep their word and allow you to have access. That mayor could apply to move the portal, or even wall off his town and now allow you access. Play with who you trust, and just be mindful of what "could" happen. The portal will be owned by only 1 person and they can still do what they wish with it and there will be no complaint/grief recourse if he decides to denies you access. RagMan
Chances of me ever getting President is even.. lower now.. whenever I get even a little bit of time to play. :B I really need a town, as I don't 'technically' have one, lol.