Hi ECC i got banned for spamming and i am sick of tired of people pming me cause yes i have scammed most of you. But i am going to change that you awesome people do not deserve to be scammed you did nothin to me so if you could just please accept this and once i pay back everyone would u please trust me. Sincerly-Modminer1999 Decides not to scam anymore.
Alright I am glad you wish to repay all users. Could you please tag any user you still need to repay in this thread so they know?
Lol, to be honest, I see around 10 complaints directed at you right now. You've done this previously and have been banned like what, 3 times? If you expect everyone on ECC just to forget that because of one post (which you seem to have put little effort into), you'd be fatally mistaken. I sure as hell wouldn't trust you with anything.
Watch what you guys put in this thread, if it becomes a flame thread against modminer I will lock it.
Alright I will just be locking this thread due to the potential flaming issues that are already beginning. If Modminer owes you money please make a forum pm with me, zardgyer, and modminer showing screenshots/evidence. Locked.