Andrew has given me permission to make an ecc mobile app. This is currently made for Windows Phone 7 users, as it uses C# and Silverlight, two languages i can code in, i am trying to port it over to android but i dont have a test subject to test on Current Content: News Ban Appeals/Complaints All applications Off Topic WIP Content Twitter Feed Here is what i need from you guys and girls A tester group for Android Someone who can program cocoa Ideas.
Ik this would be a lot of trouble but I know that a lot of people would like ALL the topics on here...
I have already talked to you on what i can do to help, i am also willing to be a tester for all iphones/ipods.
Here jamie ill help you out by doing this KMaxwell WeWinAgain andrewkm Im sure that these 3 will have a few ways of helping you out.
I am a software developer that has deployed sites with mobile capable features and would like to offer a suggestion. Instead of spending time developing an application that is only good for a certain group, why not have a mobile version of the website that any mobile browser can display instead? This will save you the headache of; having multiple deployables, your program accepted on the store (which is a nightmare with apple) and you do not have to worry about C#, Java and Objective C - only HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The company I work for recently made the decision to make a website that is accessible to mobile devices over developing separate mobile apps for some of the reasons I stated above and others I cannot discuss.
Very true but one problem Xenforo to my knowledge does not have a Mobile plugin, And since i need a project i have gone this way
I will be happy to test on my device i have a Ideos U8800 when you have a test build ready email me a copy and ill test it out for you, [email protected]
Jeffers That is android correct? I need to work more on the beta version for WP7 until i can port it to android
I have never used or heard of Xenforo before. Good luck with your project.
Jamie is planning on working on ios, i will be helping him with a few of the smaller things, but we first need someone with mac who can help us out.
Hey Jamie I hope you can make this app help for IPads I check the forums lots of times on it. I'm acutely running on my IPad plz make this app support Apple Products (Mobile).
Please read what i had written, we need to find someone with mac to help us out with apple sided coding, and then i will be going through all bugs that i notice, we will work on this, but not right away, we (jamie) are working on windows phones first.
jeffers, im working with jamie on this, im not doing the coding parts, but a few other things, we are working for windows phones first, and we will move over to other phones afterwards, however we will need testers, we already have someone for apple products.