ECC Lottery Syndicate

Discussion in 'Classifieds & Ads' started by SkystriderTAG, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. SkystriderTAG

    SkystriderTAG Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 17, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Tired of going in 1k or more on the lottery and never winning? This is the solution that provides a better chance of winning (abiet not as much $).

    How it works: Basically a lottery syndicate is a group of people who collectively buy a amount of tickets, increasing their combined chances of winning, and if they do win they split the winnings.

    Disclaimer: This lottery syndicate cannot and will not guarantee winnings, play at your own risk, and play responsibly, managing your funds (adding and withdrawing) in the syndicate is your responsibility meaning if you wish to have money taken out you must TELL ME, im not Psychic. Players who enter assume all risks and dangers of the lottery and understand as such. I promise to keep track of things best I can but cannot guarantee human errors wont happen. Players who join waive liability for loss of money by the Syndicate manager.

    Joining the syndicate:

    When I am online, /tell Andoversr and inform me you wish to deposit funds to your syndicate balance. Make sure I respond and clear you to send it (this ensures I see you paid me, so it is recorded). This thread will be updated when players are added or tickets are purchased.

    When you join you must indicate how much you wish to have played each lottery entered, every $1000 eco is "1 share" of the winnings, and winnings are divided amongst all the shareholders who entered based on number of shares (IE: if you have 1 share and there was 10 tickets ie: 10 shareholders, you receive 1/10th of the winnings)


    Instead of taking off fees or doing other methods, I pay myself by having a +1 share in the syndicate, this means I always get a cut of the winnings, even if I personally didnt put my own money into the syndicate funds, I believe this is the most fair way to go about it.

    Lottery Purchase:

    When its 5 min to 1 minutes before the lottery I will make the purchase on behalf of the way syndicate, those with shares will have 1000 / share taken from their fund, once purchased the tickets are locked and no further tickets are purchased and if someone enters after I have purchased the tickets, they must wait until the next draw.


    Upon winning the lottery the amount will be recorded and split based on shares, and added to the respective balances of those who played.


    To withdraw you must /mail Andoversr and state you wish to withdraw X ecodollars from your funds. Withdraws will be completed within 24 hours with a confirmation mail sent restating the amount paid out.

    There are 3 special circumstances where a withdraw will be made to you when you have not requested it: A) When your balance is under 1000 eco B) When your balance exceeds (shares bought each lotto x 10) or C) Disciplinary action including being kicked and or banned from the syndicate.

    Note: To reiterate, you MUST ask to have it withdrawn otherwise winnings will continue to be used towards draws.

    Other Considerations:

    Andoversr, as the manager, reserves the sole right to refuse entry into the syndicate to any ecocitycraft player, as well as reserves the right to change or modify, without prior notice, any rules or procedures, without notice to players, and reserves the right to disband the syndicate at any time (funds would be given back).

    Have money but want a steady income?

    For 100,000 eco you get a permanent +1 share in all pots won, and 1 entry for 10 draws (giving you 2 shares for 10 draws, 1 share for all others). Contact Andoversr for details.

    Players Balances:

    Available Balance / Free ticket bal / Lottery Win Bal (held for 24 hours to allow it to be withdrawn, and added to Available Balance after 24 hours)

    (1) Andoversr: 0 / 0 / 0
    (1) Habsjosh: 0 / 0 / 0
    (All) PizzaFrog: 0 / 0 / 0
    (1) Jetscat: 0 / 0 / 0
    (2) Ievolive: 0 / 0 / 0
    (1) Antcubing: 0 / 0 / 0
    (1) Cryptcreepa: 0 / 0 / 0
    (1) Doggyluvuh: 0 / 0 / 0
    (1) Drewy911: 0 / 0 / 0
    (1) Glipperpwns32 0 / 0 / 0


    (1) Freeticketfund: 1000 / 0 / 0

    Priority: 1) Free ticket balance, 2) Available Balance

    Player Shares / draw (1000$ / entry / draw) / max holdings in funds

    Andoversr / 0 + 1 / 10,000
    Freeticketfund / 1 / N/A

    next draw (if loss on current draw)

    Andoversr / 0 + 1 / 10,000

    Pending withdraws:

    Last 10 Lottery winnings by Syndicate:


    Winnings to date:

    Winnings by member to date:

    Average payout per share (last 10 wins):
  2. SkystriderTAG

    SkystriderTAG Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 17, 2011
    Trophy Points:

    *Regarding the 100k deal, if someone buys that everyone who has joined the syndicate for any draw gets 1 free tickets on the next draw we participate in.

    *Regarding winnings: When a pot is won the prize will be held for each participant for 24 hours to allow for withdraw requests to be made. After 24 hours it goes to that players funds and is used to buy tickets on that persons behalf in the syndicate.

    *Reminder: you can put funds in for multiple draws, Im around for most of the draws during the day! doing multiple draws makes the chances of you and all others who enter (and thus the syndicate) better.

    *Ticket buy: Will happen now 5 minutes before the draw or after a draw.

    * Extended the balance section into 3 balances:

    Available Balance: may be withdrawn; tickets are bought from this balance if the player has funds.
    Free Ticket Balance: May not be withdrawn; when a player gets free money towards tickets its added here, and spent first before available balance.
    Lottery Prize Balance: may be withdrawn; not used to buy tickets, this balance is held for 24 hours for players to withdraw their winnings, after 24 hours its moved to available balance and used for tickets or may still be withdrawn.

    *Free ticket fund: this fund will be given a ticket by Andoversr now and then, and if it wins it will award 1 x free ticket to every syndicate member! Free tickets are worth 1/2 of a share (the remaining 1/2 goes into the FTF) when used in a draw. This program will hopefully boost membership and keep our ticket count in draws high.