Make ECC have a /jail for rule breakers that don't deserve a ban but a warning. Commands: /jailcheck (player name) Check the status of the specified prisoner. If you type it without argument, it will display all jailed prisoners. /jailclear Release all prisoners from every jail on the server. Use with caution. /jailclearforce Delete all prisoners from database, which means that they will not be jailed anymore, but they will also not be teleported out. Use with caution. /jail [player name] (time) m jJail name) cCell name) r:"(Reason)" /jailcreatecells [jail name] Start process of creating cells for specified jail /jailcreate [jail name] Start process of creating new jail with specified name. /jailcreatewe [jail name] Same as /jailcreate, except that it will automatically pick cuboid selected by WorldEdit, so you can use advanced selection features of WorldEdit, to select jail cuboid. /jaildeletecell [jail name] (cell name) Delete specified cell. If you don't specify name, it will delete nearest cell to you, so you can stand in cell to delete it. /jaildeletecells [jail name] Delete all cells from specified jail /jaildelete [jail name] Delete specified jail /jailreload Reload jail config and database data. /jaillistcells [jail name] List all named cells from specified jail. /jaillist List all created jails /jailmute [prisoner name] Toggle mute of specified prisoner (he cannot speak when he is muted /jailpay (amount) (prisoner name) /jailset [player/jail name/jail name:cell name] [property name] (property value) LINK: MODS+ Would be able to use the jail commands to put ppl in jail.
/jailstatus Jail status will show status about your sentence. /jailstick Toggle status of the JailStick feature /jailstop Jail stop will abort any creation process (jail creation or cell creation). /jailtelein [jail name] This command will teleport you to teleport point of the specified jail /jailteleout [jail name] This command will teleport you to release teleport point of the specified jail. /jailtransferall [old jail] (new jail) This command will transfer all prisoner from one jail to another. If you don't specify destination jail, plugin will automatically select another nearest jail. Use when you want to do some maintenance on jail and don't want anyone to bother you. /jailtransfer [prisoner name] (destination jail] This command will transfer prisoner from one jail to another. If you don't specify destination jail, plugin will automatically select another nearest jail. /unjail [prisoner name] This command will release specified prisoner. /unjailforce [prisoner name] MORE COMMANDS
Jails aren't very necessary, people would still be allowed to chat, even if chat is disabled it would just be better to have a temp ban.
We used to have jails, but we disabled them because they're buggy, laggy and just cruel. (You are required to stay online during the jailtime, some jails even require you to be active) We never actually used them either.