On the 14th of April this year, I had this idea to make a collage of lots of heads of ECC. I made it on paint. I started making it, then my life got to busy. I never got to finish it. But today I got bored and decided to start again. I finished it. Now I will show you what it looks like. http://tinypic.com/r/qojfb5/8 This Picture is free to be edited, but please credit Miss_Anomaly, with a link to this page! These are all the names of the heads I've put in the Collage. Spoiler: Names _Gankuku85_ _TANSTAAFL 3point14mp 314 A18greek18 AcTiVeMonkey Ajp79 Ajr00 Alarah Alexwakes751 Alinator13 Almoace Alpert3925 AlphaTimer Andrewkm Annyonion Antcubing Anvildash Appleprocucling AriusX Aserghui Asphxiatorslove Berserk_on_xbl BGeisinger6 Bkchaney Blowtube123 BLTwitch Bzutz244 BrutalOm3n Babba1001000 BuggyLemon Caitlin_Crime Catreina Cdlawrence Chargers2417 Childersc CHISM_101 Clou44 Core_Diver Cracker228989 Crossfire26 Ctoolme D0rc Da_Tirtow Dakotakim Danekris David_Torento Dccciz Decin DeNoO12 Delitad Delucaco DerpyxHooves Dewsy92 DFat Diamond396 Diamondbuilder07 Dpatt888 Duumias Eben48 Eddieabery Eekelmo EGO_downmaster Emau EnderArcher6400 Endoric Essidi Evilring Ficus_Frenzy Fightered48 FuryFudge Gazinggod Generaljoecool Georgie0417 Gernen GhostMaster2 Gigiben Glackmore Glockemdown Glooble Harryhaz1 Haugzo HCPillarofFire HDvorteX Hiccabup Hilv Hokingyeung iEvolve lgunnaechoo illinifan Inamine Inspecthergaget Jakeyray18 Jamesalaska JamieSinn Jason1964 JBuks Jetscat Jikkzz Joliver1998 Joseph01234 Journeysent JpbentColeman Jshi895 Jvhosmuffin Kick_Me_1235 KMaxwell Knears2000 Jolipoki Komrk888 Konan200x Krystofir2009 Kukelekuuk00 Lady_Frost Laff90 Larene Larsphee Lavajok Lawrencce LegendaryTrio Liam_Slayer Lilypetals Lostalaskan89 Lurkblader Mardigan_The_Mad Markec88 Mattdar Mezri Michaelwm Mikeace60 Mission001 MonkeyBUTT224 MoofinK Mr_Doom_Bringer MrJiggle123 Mustacher Mysticgoli MystressLyssa Nate80000 Netrius Netsui Newarrior Nicodemux Ninja_boy16 Nradke22 O_Hades_o OdysSc2 OhMrsKittyKat OnSceneReporter Original_Jackson Outerlocal Oxwood2 oYsTeR140 pat2100 paulsersgate pbrassat17 penguinpixi physicistmom prettychicken21 priMELval Primzey Probuilder300 Pushkar Quefueve Rabidworm Rachel8484 Ragman17 RailefBear Rainbowmaster12 Rapidredhead Rax_tue Revanrose6 Rikari88 Rockboy2000 RockDassie Rollsicy Rosypolly RyanJF1 Sick24 Sios Sitomo Sizsizma10 Skylexia SkyRock42 Smorezs SnDxCH4RG3R Snowbleie SparklyPotato2 Spidawg Starbold79 Starlena Steveshizzle Stolio StoneIronZ Subxplorer Suki_x Supercjawesome Svengali33 SynWannaBe T_bone199205 Techy88 TewCraft ThatKidArshi TheAngelEclipse Thecreator767 TinkerJenny Tkick TMgrinder TomKellyCreeper Tommy_T Tyraid Ultie Unknownrider UnstopableVirus Upmoon Usernameofdeath Vaaldraem Vdummastertech Vegocoke Vekkh Vengfulbacon Videowiz92 Vinh_Kin voiD_yO vtnick vwman67 WeirdBuilder Welikeike22 Wewinagain WiKiDOne Winnazzz Wolfwoodnyo WolvieD2GMark Woodbury3 Xpurexcorex Zardgyer Zedoker Zeno78 Zstabb Oreo1227 SoftlyPsychotic Abby_Temple Miss_Anomaly AdmiralD Idkhowtoplay Leivite StanleyMines Leo_valdes Tonitrus_Taurus _Annabeth_chase Sthegreat2 TaterPanda CT60006 AnokFero zorracraft I may have forgotten the name of one of the bottom heads. Sorry if it's yours! Most of these heads are the ones I got months ago. Your skin may have changed since then. I also didn't get nearly as many heads as I had planned. Feel free to edit it and add your/anyone's head to it!
Can you make it a bigger image? Its hard to see it, especially for someone with glasses that doesn't have very good eyesight anyway.
Ok I've made the image bigger It took me a while but a few pixels might be missing. You shouldn't be able to notice. Oh and sorry for that little border around the top and right edge. It was invisible when I uploaded it -_- http://tinypic.com/r/33ucoev/8 Just post and I should be able to help you with it! Again though, I'm sorry if I didn't get you in. I could have put in thousands if I'd had time. @BLTwitch I believe you wanted to see this.