The following players will be evicted from the town of Eastvail because they have inactive for over a month. if you where tagged you have until 8/13/14 at 1:00pm (PST) to log onto ECC or email me at [email protected] explaining why this is not posable. @brian2578 @C_Boy78 @camlacen @dkmiller77 @DudleySnake @fossilkiller @gamer81z @iamtman2001 @ICrushSwag @ILOIKPIE @johnfolkersma12 @karintodd @Malita55 @mresoccer @MrMezyCS @Mysticholi @ret921 @roadan1337 @sneakyspawn @tacogangst3r @xmas_bunn007 players who Iwas unable to tag will be messagged