I've found that mining can be a fun and fast way to make money. This includes selling spawners and finding diamonds ;3, but now that i've gotten alot of books, I dont know how much they're worth. If someone could help and name the valuable ones, that'd be great.!
Hai swiggle, well the most rare id say are Silk touch 1, Eff 4-5, Unbreak 3, Feather Falling 4, Thorns 3, Power 4-5 and infinity 1. Although ive probably missed a few out xD Someone will correct me if im wrong
Sorry i dont :/ Prices always change xD Try asking for offers in trade and see how high they go But im glad i could help!
Greetings, The prices on e-books are harad to judge. Time of day, current trends, etc. My advice is to watch the auctions for a few days and you'll notice certain trends in ebook prices. Example: Silk touch a few weeks ago was a $5-6k book, but now if you are patient you can get it for $3k. I saw a Feather Fall go for 2k yesterday, but I was expecting it to go for a lot more. What do YOU value the books at? Do you plan on using it for anything or are they just taking up space? The longer you wait, the cheaper it will probably become. When I am unsure of a price and see something go for more than I expect, I will sometimes PM the losing bidder and see if they'll buy it off me for their last posted bid. I get a pretty good hit rate when I do that. Adieu.
Thanks! I have many books to sell including the ones you mentioned, when I am active only 50 or so people are on so its harder for me to get a large number of buyers.