I Am giving away two Dutch houses in Preston! The price of the house is around 6 to 8k But will be given away For Free!*WARNING TOWN HAS NO PORTAL YET* The house includes access to a pumpkin farm that is still being built and a free market stall if your Res+! PM ME *Alivar* If you want to see it in person before you consider! House Rules! *All town rules Apply *Walls./Floors of the house cant be Edited without permission *Only the small yard can change *Please only chests furnaces ECt.... And stuff that adds decor in the house! *Keep it nice Please Another Warning The town is still being built and edited so it looks kinda bad but will be fixed soon How To Enter Comment Below Saying you want to enter And then wait! When entered you will be given a number! PICTURE: The second house is still being built but will be done very soon! Also take note that i sell these houses between 2.5 to 12k Numbers Brandonw08 #1 Black Wub #2 Cornpalace #3 Nickla #4 killrdarknes #5 eddieabery #6 scottyang1323 #7 RyanBlocks2 #8 mackbmx123 #9 monkeyBUTT244 #10 shamas888 #11 Chompin #12 CONTEst Over winners Are mackbmx123 and shamas888