Minecraft Username: Aegaias Brief Description: I created a forum post on the For Sale area and placed one spoiler (checked multiple times) and it makes more then one. Instructions: 1. type Spoiler: Text for spoiler What you want in it 2. Enjoy a multiple spoiler on my post How many times did you recreate this bug?: 5 times after editing multiple times. I removed the spoiler then added it back and did it multiple times. Result: Duplicated spoilers(unwanted) Expected Result: One spoiler Evidence: Link to post
I have often found that selecting all the text in the spoiler then clicking on the eraser in the top left corner of the text box (called Clear Formatting) should solve this problem. Give it a go and tell me what happens
Any different formatting on each spoiler tag ([*spoiler] and [*/spoiler] are both tags) will cause spoilers to break and make two, three, four, etc. spoilers. Even if you don't see any difference, it can be there. You may try clicking the italic "A" in the top right of the type box to view the HTML being used; something could be there, although not really visual. I would suggest cutting out that area of your post and making sure there is absolutely no formatting. Try typing fresh with no formatting/everything the exact same formatting; or copying from your post, pasting into notepad, and re-copying and pasting (notepad has no formatting, so you will copy-paste with everyone one format). Currently the forums are not up to date, so any HTML and BBCode issues are even worse. Spoilers (and sometimes quotes) have even more issues than normal, unfortunately. As well, editing posts [with spoilers] sometimes doesn't work, at all. Few weeks ago Andrewkm said the forums would update in 1-2 months, so you may just have to wait it out.
Thanks Moofnik but I tried this too, I removed all the content and tried again. It still does it, I checked to make sure there is no errors because i know a slight change can mess stuff up. Ill just delete the forum post and make a new one of the sale.