Hi admins, I remember logging in less than 3 months ago and the village was still there. But now, on the platform I am listed as Ex mayor with all the money in the bank gone; and not being able to find the village. I notice there seems to be a lot of changes recently. Is it possible to get back this village? Been building it with my son, so would appreciate the kind help. Thank you.
Hello @BensonKaiser, A few months ago on May 30th, we had a server wide reset where everything was reset (ranks, towns etc.). The 'ex-mayor' is due to our reset in ranks along with the server reset. You can still find your village in the /archive server and then, if it had a warp, you can do /warp <townname>rising1. Everyone's money was also reset as well. I hope this helps, feel free to contact us for any further information
Hi Swift Thanks a lot for responding. I tried going to /archive ; but unable to get "/home". It also doesn't seem I have travel capabilities to go to the coordinates. We haven't gotten to the stage where our village had /warp capabilities. And the bank balances are not there still. Can help with some guidance on how to get back there. And CammyBunny mentioned it can be migrated to the new server? Any pages and instructions on how to do that. Thanks!
As pertaining to the information about migrating it to the new server, please see my response to your filed 'User Complaint". Now, I have found what town you owned, and I believe you have /tpc permissions. Try using /tpc to get to the coordinates of the town; if that doesn't work, see me in game and I can teleport you to the town. Finally, as per the bank balances, during the reset, there was a grace period post-reset to withdraw money from the bank into the new Main server; unfortunately, this grace period has passed, and all old bank money has been wiped.
Hi Killrdarknes Thanks a lot for teleporting me to the village. It's not much but lots of emo value to me and my kids hehe. Ok, so next step is to get a new plot of land. Just to clarify: this town is now "mayorless" and i cannot set any /home destination or lock it in any way yes?
Hellooo Again, The town is still protected from any Grief and you will still have the same town/plot permissions (if you were an owner), however you cannot set /home's in the archive world unfortunately unless you have the Patron feature. You can get a new plot of land to build on in our /main or /main north server