Hi i am a guy who is really poor after mayor and i can not really go on ecocitycraft because i am doing heaps of work on this website and some of the work is not even for me!I have really good stuff that i would be to do with you guys if you donated! So anyway i am going to make this short so know i will jump in to donating!!! i accept any donations from 1k+.If you Would Like to Donate Next will be the Fourm to fill out. IGN: H0w much you donated to me: Do You Like Donating: Have you donated to someone before: What are your in game ranks: What was your bal before you donated to me: What was your bal after you donated to me: Ok well that is it!! I hope you guys donate to me! and remeber there will be special prizes!! Off Tpic If you sell specil features please mail me and tell me how much they cost.
I am not sure I understand why you need donations if you are unable to come on ECC because of the website work you are doing. As for doing stuff, part of the fun of playing on a hardcore economy server is earning your own money in order to do things. Not to mention that it is far more rewarding earning your own funds rather than begging for donations. Wishing you success!
You don't need money to come and play on ECC. A lot people that play have very low balances. The point of mayor is to have a town to make more money (selling houses or plots). Not using your mayor town would be a complete waste of that 85k. Even if you can't get on a lot (like me) then you can at least get on sometime and work hard for that money. Good luck!
Well i do not have a town because someone stole it but a staff has helped me and says that i am allowed to file a complaint.So that means i am going to get my town back soon!So soon i will not be needing this!
My minecraft has been crushing a lot lately but i think it is working again and i have not had a lot of time to go on minecraft.I have jobs people want me to do on here and plus i can quickliy do stuff and then go do my real life jobs!But now i can come back and play some more ecocitycraft!!!