I understand that with 1.4.2, beacons have been disabled. I would like to ask if, at all possible, they could be placed and emit light, but not give any potion effects, because beacons look awesome! Also, now that anvils can name items, I wondered if there would be a donation that would allow you to retrieve your tool if it was dropped, lost, etc. but not destroyed. So if your tool was named <your username>, whenever you typed /retrieve you would get all items with your name on them. Finally, I want to thank everyone who helped update ECC. Thank you! -38833
Well, the problem with the /retrieve thing is that people could get the tools from other people easily, especially taking in mind that most users gotta pay for the renaming service to an extcommands+ donator, who would know the name perfectly and could take it if they wished. There are also repeated names and such other aspects that must be taken in mind. Also, I believe this would be hard to implement into a server even if there was a safe way to do it :/
I like the idea of beacons being able to shine but having no effect. +1 With the tools we have tombstone which may help.
The beacon thing is tricky... Sure, I think it can be placed, however the PVP shouldn't. That said, the developers can't easily run a beacon with no power, its just not that easy. They will have to disable the PVP effects, option screen, all while maintaing the glowing light thing..... I dont know, its just a hard thing to work with...
quefueve, the /retrieve command would only work for items with your name on them. But I understand what you're saying. Maybe another command, like /sethand would do it? As a donation, though. Snowbleie, I'm not sure about that. They can prevent anvil usage easily enough, what's the difference with beacons? Also, two more ideas: Locking non-sign items (where you have permissions) without using signs. And: Being able to use and receive potion effects from beacons ($200 donation?). This would make andrewkm some serious cash, and then it's not any more unfair then ext commans, ext commands+, or any other donation. If you like these ideas, give me a +1 rating! Thanks!
what they could do is they could allow the event of placing the beacon but disallow the event of opening up the gui.