[Donation Information]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Maco20047, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:

    Hi everyone. I've seen a lot of people asking for a list of donation information. With the new Buycraft, you have to go in and click 'Buy' on a donation to read it, but for many that takes too much time. So, I've compiled a list of ALL donations with basic information.

    To find a specific donation feature, type Ctrl + F and type it in!

    Special Features

    Ext Commands - $50.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    The Extended Commands feature gives you many extra commands which may come in handy during game play! Some of these may even make you some extra EcoDollars; such as the ability to repair others tools for a price you choose, or stack other users items with the stack command and charge them for it. We do not punish for this and it is allowed. Following are a list of commands you will get with this feature!

    /ptime [reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] -or- /ptime @[time]
    -Changes your client side time. This will not affect the server time whatsoever and will be automatically reset every time you log-off and log back in. By client side it means only you see this time and nobody else.

    /ptime day
    With this command, say the time was night, it will change it to daytime for you, however if you are outside monsters will still spawn around you, as the server's real time is not effected.

    /ptime @day
    With this command your time will stick to day and never change. Great for building outside and not having the nighttime bother you too much!

    /repair [hand|all]
    -Use this command to repair either the tool in your hand or all the tools in your inventory. You will not be punished for repairing other users’ tools for a price. That is simply another way for you to make an extra EcoDollar here and there as a supporter!

    -This command will stack everything in your inventory to keep it nice and tidy. Say you have a bunch of dirt, stone and more all over the place, this will quickly organize it in stacks for you. Simply type "/stack" and items will all go into one stack if they are not illegitimate stack items. (This does not work for items that cannot be normally stacked)

    /clearinventory -or- /clear -or- /ci
    -This command will clear your inventory. Tired of having garbage on you from time to time that you cannot sell to the server? You now have a quick way to get rid of it all!

    Check users who are within your radius. The default/max radius will be 500 blocks in any direction. Using /near 5 for example will tell you whose within 5 blocks from you. This command is great for finding out who a mob disguised player really is! Say there is a sheep following you and your certain it’s a player. This will allow you to use /near 10 for example and find out who it is. (This command doesn't work in the nether)

    Use this command while holding an object in your hand to bind a command to it. Example: While holding a piece of dirt, use the following command "/powertool shout Hey guys, selling super cheap potions at EcoCityCraft!" (No slash is needed before the command parameter) Now whenever you left click while hold a piece of dirt you will shout that message out! This works with any and all commands you have access to. A few great things you can bind to this include cprivate, repair, home, and much more!

    Note: To clear a current items powertool simply run "/powertool" while holding it in your hand.

    Warning: Any user caught abusing this in anyway such as spamming "/powertool pay bob 1" constantly will face punishment and have the feature immediately removed with no refund. This command is to make a few tasks easier for you, not to spam your peers. As well there is to be no command spamming, such as binding the repair hand command to a shovel and using it. You are constantly executing the command by doing this thus spamming the console/log files. Bind your command, use it when needed, and clear it or use a different tool.

    /powertool d:
    Use this command simply as it is written "/powertool d:" and hit enter to remove all your powertools. Great if you've forgotten what items are assigned to what powertools and are using random commands accidentally. This command will simply clear your entire powertool file so you may start over.

    Use this command to toggle your powertools. Say you have set up a great many of them and remember what each of them are, however you would like to temporarily disable them and only enable them when needed. This is exactly what the /powertooltoggle command is for!

    Use this command to check recipes of certain blocks. Saves you tons of internet - searching time. Can be used with either item number or item name!

    Ext Creations - $30.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/mining world!*
    The Extended Creations feature gives you many extra possibilities which may come in handy when building various structures/creations! Some of these may even make you some extra EcoDollars; such as the ability to build these things for others for a price you choose. Following are a list of features you will get with this feature!

    Build Lifts!
    -Allows you to build several lifts that users can use to go directly above/below them! Lifts are created as follows: Each Lift must have a sign in front of it with either: Line2: [Lift Up] or Line2: [Lift Down]
    Here is an example of a Lift!
    Lift Up
    Lift Down
    Note: Don't forget to cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.

    Build Gates!
    -Allows you to build a gate that can be toggled with a sign as well as redstone linked to the sign! Gates are created by placing a sign with the word [Gate] on the second line. The sign must be placed right beside your already built gate on a wall. As well you must either fully build the gate or stock your sign up with the right material by right clicking it.
    Here is an example of a gate!
    Gate Closed
    You can build gates out of wood fences, nether fences, and iron gates.
    Note: Don't forget to cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.

    Build Doors!
    -Allows you to build a door that can be toggled with a sign as well as redstone linked to the sign! Doors are created as follows: Below the bottom door platform a sign must be placed reading: Line2: [Door Up] Line3: Left block width. Line4: Right block width. If no Line3 and 4 exist default will be 1 block to each side. As well you must either fully build the door or stock your sign up with the right material by right clicking it.
    Here is an example of a door!
    Door Closed
    You may use many of our 5-20 cent blocks such as stone/cobblestone/netherrack and more Exact list: 1,4,5,13,20,24,43,79,80,87,88,98,110,121.

    Note: Don't forget to /cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.

    Build Bridges!
    -Allows you to build a bridge that can be toggled with a sign as well as redstone linked to the sign! Bridges are created as follows: Each Bridge must have a sign below or under the end platforms: Line2: [Bridge] Line3: Left block width. Line4: Right block width. If no Line3 and 4 exist default will be 1 block to each side. As well you must either fully build the bridge or stock your sign up with the right material by right clicking it.
    Here is an example of a bridge!
    Bridge Opened
    You may use many of our 5-20 cent blocks such as stone/cobblestone/netherrack and more Exact list: 1,4,5,13,20,24,43,79,80,87,88,98,110,121.

    Note: Don't forget to /cprivate your signs. They respect lwc permissions so no one can destroy them.

    Warning: Any user caught abusing bridges/doors/gates in anyway such as killing unaware users in peaceful areas to steal items/harass players, or using them to farm blocks, such as constantly creating bridges/doors/gates to farm the items in between will face punishment and have the feature immediately removed with no refund. As well anyone attempting to lag the server by constantly toggling bridges/doors/gates will face the same consequences with a most certain immediate ban.

    Color Signs
    Ever wondered how we color the signs at spawn and make them all nice and shiny! Now you can too! Simply use the color code before your text as you would with the /shout command to color your sign text. "&bWelcome" Would make a light blue Welcome text appear on your sign. Here are two great color sheets you may use for reference: Table 1 or Table 2

    Disposal Signs
    You are able to create Disposal signs. These simply act like chest garbage cans. Many times there is garbage in your inventory that you want to get rid of, and that isn't sell-able. You can now do so easily with Disposal signs, or well, garbage cans. - Don’t litter! Help ECC and use the sign! To make one simply place a sign and type [Disposal] on the first line! That’s it. Afterwards open up the garbage can by right clicking the sign and anything you place inside will be gone.

    /workbench -or- /wb
    Use this command to open up a workbench anywhere you are! No more looking for that stored away workbench; especially after using your /sell all command and having it accidentally removed. Now you carry one on you at all times.

    /kit mobs
    Use this command to spawn yourself tons of awesome mob drops! Very useful as mobs are quite rare on EcoCityCraft!
    This kit can be used once every 24 hours and contains the following items:

    Item: Leather x5
    Item: Arrow x5
    Item: Bone x4
    Item: Spider Eye x3
    Item: Egg x3
    Item: Feather x3
    Item: Ink Sac x3
    Item: Slimeball x3
    Item: Milk x3
    Item: Gunpowder x2

    /kit signs
    Use this command to spawn yourself 8 signs. Signs are constantly used by ExtCreations users thus this gives you a quick way to get a few! You may use this kit once every hour.

    /kit enderchest
    Use this command to spawn yourself 1 enderchest. Great way to store your stuff wherever you are in an instantly spawned enderchest!

    Custom Tag - $30.00 USD
    *Feature is available in all worlds!*
    Purchasing a custom tag allows you to change your in game suffix. This will replace the [VIP] tag so be very aware of this. Once purchased your tag is final. You may pm an admin if you wish to remove it and revert back to the either no tag or the [VIP] tag if you previously had it, however no refund will be provided. The only possibility of changing your tag after purchase to another custom tag is through another payment for the feature.

    The following tags are not allowed: [$] [$$] [$$$] [$$$$] [VIP] as well as anything to do with any staff / official support rank such as [Admin] [Mod] [Owner] [$$$$$$$] ect. All tags must follow our server rules. Please use common-sense when selecting one. For rank pre-approval please visit the following thread: Pre-Approval/Removal thread; and ask if your rank will be allowed. As well this is also the thread where you may request to remove a custom tag.

    All tags must be between 1 and 10 characters long. Numbers/Letters only.

    Stealth - $30.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    The stealth package gives you very cool stealth abilities. It allows you to use the /sneak command anywhere (Something that only warriors normally have in the nether) as well as set many blocks as your hat in game!

    Another great feature the stealth package comes with is the ability to disguise into any of the available mobs! To do so you will use the /disguise command.

    /sneak (*Only works for 60 seconds. Afterwards must wait 5 minutes to work again.)
    -Use this command to sneak around at full speed. Meaning; to everyone else you look to be sneaking and your name tag doesn't appear behind walls while in reality you are able to move at full speed.

    /disguise or /dis or /d
    -Use this command to transform into any mob part of the list of available mobs.

    /undisguise or /undis or /u
    -Use this command to transform back into human form.

    /seedisguise or /sd
    -Use this command to toggle whether you see your disguise or not.

    Available mobs with their command
    /disguise blaze
    /disguise cavespider
    /disguise chicken
    /disguise chicken baby
    /disguise cow
    /disguise cow baby
    /disguise creeper
    /disguise creeper setpowered true
    /disguise enderman
    /disguise irongolem
    /disguise magmacube
    /disguise mushroomcow
    /disguise mushroomcow baby
    /disguise ocelot
    /disguise ocelot baby
    /disguise ocelot settype [type]
    **Available types: wild_ocelot, black_cat, red_cat, siamese_cat
    **Example: /disguise ocelot settype black_cat
    **Example: /disguise ocelot baby settype red_cat
    /disguise pig
    /disguise pig baby
    /disguise pig setsaddled true
    /disguise pigzombie
    /disguise sheep
    /disguise sheep baby
    /disguise sheep setcolor [color]
    **Available colors: black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, light_blue, lime, magenta, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, white, yellow.
    **Example: /disguise sheep setcolor black_cat
    **Example: /disguise sheep baby setcolor yellow
    /disguise silverfish
    /disguise slime
    /disguise snowman
    /disguise spider
    /disguise squid
    /disguise villager
    /disguise villager baby
    /disguise wolf
    /disguise wolf baby
    /disguise wolf setangry true
    /disguise wolf settamed true
    /disguise zombie

    -Place a block on your head! How silly! You can even see how you look by pressing F5. To remove the block from your head simply open up your inventory and take it out of the helmet spot.

    Feed - $25.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    The feed feature allows you to never again rely on food while playing EcoCityCraft. Just use one simple command and your hunger as well as saturation level will be absolutely restored!

    -Use to refill your entire hunger bar.

    Teleport - $20.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/miningworld!* (Warp commands work in nether/aether/miningworld as well!)
    The /tpa + /tpahere + /warp + /warp commands are now available for supporters to assist you in transportation with users and friends.
    The way the commands work are as follows:

    -Request to teleport to another player. The player will then have to accept your request with /tpaccept

    -Request to have another player teleported to your location. The player will then have to accept your request with /tpaccept

    -Show a list of warps you are able to teleport to!

    -Teleport to the warp specified in the field. Use "/warp" to see a list of warps.

    -You are able to use the warps in this "Easy Shop" interface. This includes shop warps and market warps. Use the paper on the bottom right corner to change pages.

    Multihome - $15.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/nether/aether/miningworld!*
    Multiple homes are available for our supporters! This gives users the ability to set more than one home location, for easy transportation. At the moment you may set 5 homes. Use in combination with /back and teleport featiures for the ultimate experience in transportation on ECC. You do -not- need to be a resident to make this purchase! This feature does carry over to the nether/aether! The way the feature works is as follows:

    -Use this command to set the current location as one of your homes. The name of this is defined by what you put after the /sethome command. Example: "/sethome farm" Will set the current location as your home named farm.

    -This will teleport you to your default home named "home" if you only have one. If you don't have any homes it will teleport you to your last bed location. If more than one home is available a list will pop up showing your available homes ready for access.

    -Use this command to teleport to the home of choice. Example: "/home farm" will teleport you to the location you set with the example above named farm.

    -This command allows you to delete a specific home. Example: "/delhome farm" will delete the home named farm.

    Water - $15.00 USD
    *Features is available in legacy/rising/aether/miningworld!*
    The ability to place water with buckets as well as ice blocks is now available for supporters. You will not be punished for placing water/ice blocks for other users. That is simply another way for you to make an extra EcoDollar here and there as a supporter! You also get the ability to place sponges and use them to soak up water. You also get the ability to place dispensers!

    Fireworks! Since you are able to place dispensers with the Pyro or Water feature you will be able to use this to your advantage and line up dispensers in specific locations to make great firework displays!

    /kit water
    The /kit water command spawns you some awesome water items every hour!

    Item: Water Bucket x1
    Item: Sponge x1
    Item: Ice x64

    Pyro - $15.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    The ability to place lava with buckets is now available for supporters. Furthermore those who purchase the pyro upgrade will also be able to light blocks with flint&steel! Keep in mind, tnt will not blow up, as well fire will not spread. This is for decoration purposes such as lighting netherrack. You will not be punished for giving users lava or lighting things on fire for them. That is simply another way for you to make an extra EcoDollar here and there as a supporter! You also get the ability to place dispensers (Dispensers cannot be placed in the nether)!

    Fireworks! Since you are able to place dispensers with the Pyro or Water feature you will be able to use this to your advantage and line up dispensers in specific locations to make great firework displays!

    /kit pyro
    The /kit pyro command spawns you some awesome pyro items every hour!

    Item: Lava Bucket x1
    Item: Flint & Steel x1

    Flying/Speed - $60.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether!*
    Flying + Speed is available for our hardcore builders. If you are here to build very big, creative, detailed structures and feel extremely limited by not being able to fly you may purchase this feature and have it available to you permanently.

    -Activates creative minecraft flying! Use it the same way you use fly in creative mode!

    /speed <1-10>
    -Changes your flying speed as well as your walking speed! For example use command "/speed 10" while flying to fly at top speed while in creative mode flying, or use "/speed 6" for a bit more steady flight control! As well you can use /speed 10 while on the ground to set your running speed higher! This is great for those who like to run around to get places as opposed to fly. Remember to activate your creative flying with /fly to enable your fly speed controls!

    The maximum speed of flying is equivalent to CJB speed 6. We highly recommend using CJB mod pack for flying as opposed to any other mod.

    Investigator - $100.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    LogBlock Investigations
    -Gives you access to our full LogBlock database! This works with the ice item. When holding ice you simply left click it on a block to see that blocks history. Alternately you can also right click it into an empty griefed spot to see the history of that specific section. You will also be able to click any chest to view the interaction history of it. This is great for town owners who are tired of waiting on grief reports to be handled and want to find out who did what in their regions immediately so that the specific user can be removed from their town upon investigation in a timely manner suiting their needs. Your logblock tool will also work in all worlds except the pvp world, and all locations on the entire server. This means you can sell investigative services while online to those who require it!

    /lb tb
    -Spawn yourself a piece of ice to use with the investigation feature!

    /lb tb
    -Turn logblock on or off. This is primarily used for when you would like to actually place/build with ice as opposed to right clicking it in a specific location to check the history of it.

    -Ability to vanish from not only in-game but the /list command as well. You will be completely invisible from all players and you will be able to investigate your problems/issues in secret!
    * You will not be visible in the /list command!
    * Please note that shouts may not go through while vanished yet you will be charged the 1K EcoDollars. Take this as your warning not to shout while vanished.

    Potions of invisibility!
    -As an investigator you get the ability to use potions of invisibility. Keep in mind we have disabled splash potions on EcoCityCraft thus throwing them will not work, however drinking them will work just fine!

    Our logblock logs will clear every 7 days; therefore you will only be able to see 7 days of history. There are/will be times when we completely clear all logs due to various possible bugs/situations. As soon as the server is back online however it will continue its logging.

    Important: The staff/admins will never act upon any users’ investigation. This is for your own personal needs as town owners; etc. Submitting any of your own investigative information into any complaint/grief report will cause it to immediately be locked/ignored. If you find major grief, remove the griefer from your town, yet still want some serious justice laid on them; you will need to proceed with our regular grief report process and have our staff investigate it themselves. Remember we only rollback/ban for major griefs.

    Trolling: Any user caught trolling in any way using the investigator supporter feature will have it removed from them immediately and may face a serious ban from the server. Staff can see vanished users and will act upon any trolling.

    Tombstone - $20.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/miningworld!*
    The tombstone feature will assure you that when you die your items are safe and sound waiting for your return! Upon your death a tombstone will spawn in the form of a chest, (No you don't need to be carrying one) and it will store all your items. If you have too many, a double chest will be made! This chest will also LWC protect itself which will only have the ability to be accessed by you. All you must do is walk up to the chest, right click the sign, and that's it! Your items are back in your inventory, and the tombstone disappears. All users get 72 hours’ time to get to their tombstone, which is a VERY long time compared to items disappearing after being dropped. Use this feature with our /back command feature for ULTIMATE item security.
    (Tombstones will not spawn in secure regions that you are not part of)

    -Shows a list of your current tombstone which are still unclaimed.

    /tombfind <#>
    -Use while holding a compass for it to point at the tombstone selected and assist you in your travel to it.

    UnlimitedLWC - $15.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether!*
    Unlimited LWC is available for supporters that would like to secure an enormous amount of chests/doors etc., and feel limited by our maximum protection limits offered to Presidents, or who would simply like Unlimited LWC protections right off the bat. Please keep in mind however, do not spam pointless protections with the intention of trolling.

    Back - $15.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/miningworld!*
    The /back command is available for supporters to assist you in locating your last location after dying or most forms of teleportation events. Such as using /home and then /back to return to your exact last location. Very useful when mining, using /home to store your previous goods in your secure chests, and then following with the /back command to go back to that exact mine location.

    The /back command is great for assisting users in going back to where they were right before they died as well which is great for item retrieval after dying if you somehow forget where you were, or in-case it’s a very long travel!
    No user is allowed to use the /back command for any illegal reason.

    75 McMMO Levels - $15.00 USD
    *Feature is available in all worlds with Mcmmo enabled!*
    Purchasing McmmoLevels allows you to level up your mcmmo skills much faster! This is for the users who have achieved that incredibly high level and just cant take grinding out the remaining levels anymore.

    Remember McmmoPlus is much better (and much cheaper) to get you through those early levels much faster with a bit of moderate work. McmmoLevels are recommended for those users who just cant continue to grind out those super high levels. Then again, McmmoLevels can be purchased no matter what level you are at to help you achieve your goal!

    McmmoLevels can be redeemed at any time - however they may only be redeemed for one of your skills. Meaning: If you have 50 levels available to redeem you cannot redeem them for all your available skills; instead you must select one skill to redeem them for

    Warning: Do not redeem your levels for a skill you do not have access to such as taming. This will take your levels away from your account and will not actually be added to taming meaning you will lose out on them. They will not be returned! Use /mcstats to see available skills!

    Reminder: Skill abilities / uses can change throughout the future. Please understand this. If we find an ability to be incredibly abusive in any way towards our economy and server it will be altered. You will not be able to take your skill levels away from that skill and transfer them to another because of this. Chances of this are low but are possible.

    The /credits command lets you know how many levels you have available in your account to redeem for skill levels.

    /redeem [skill] [amount]
    This command allows you to redeem any credits you currently have in your account! For example; if you have 250 levels available to be redeemed and would like your acrobatics skill increased by 200 levels (thus leaving 50 levels for later) simply run the following command: /redeem acrobatics 200

    McMMO Plus - $20.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld/pvpworld!*
    The McmmoPlus add-on is for all the Mcmmo lovers out there! This add-ons give you the ability to receive double xp earnings!

    Reminder: This is for Mcmmo xp - not for the exp you use to enchant items with.

    McMMO Bonus Plus - $30.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld/pvpworld!*
    The McmmoBonus add-on is for all the Mcmmo lovers out there! It comes with many great bonuses!

    Firstly you will receive a permanent 33% better chance to activate any of your mcmmo skills! This is for all chances such as the acrobatics roll chance, and so on!

    Secondly this reduces your cool down by 1/4th the time.

    Finally this makes your activation goes up by 4 seconds!

    Nickname - $50.00 USD
    *Feature is available in all worlds!*
    Purchasing the nickname feature allows you to change your nickname anytime you like. There are no restrictions on the amount of times you can change your nickname, however there are a few rules that must be obeyed with this feature.

    The /nick command allows you to change your nickname! Your name will then appear in game with a ** sign behind it alerting users you are using a nickname. This command has a cooldown of 5 minutes.

    /nick off
    The /nick off command will remove your current nickname. This command has no cooldown and can be used immediately after selecting a nickname.

    The following rules / guidelines apply to nickname:

    1. You may not impersonate any other user / staff / rank.
    2. All nicknames must follow our username / server rules.
    3. All nicknames must be between 1-16 characters and must use only letters or numbers. No special characters.
    4. You may not use the nickname feature to attempt scamming in any way on EcoCityCraft.
    5. Please remove your nicknames when handling major transactions that require screenshots and proof, as well please ask those you trade / deal with to remove their nicknames.
    6. If a staff member asks you to turn your nickname off you must do so immediately for the time being. Afterwards please ask why and the situation will be explained to you.
    7. Abusing the nickname feature in any way will have us remove it from your account permanently.
    8. Please use the /realname command to find out who a nicknamed user really is.

    Feature Upgrades

    ExtCommandsPlus - $50.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    The Extended Commands Plus feature has some of our pretty over-powered commands available to our top supporting users. Some of these may even make you some extra EcoDollars; such as the ability to repair others enchanted tools for a price you choose. We do not punish for this and it is allowed. Following are a list of commands you will get with this feature!

    ExtCommandsPlus also gives you the ability to place and use anvils. Feel free to sell anvil services to other users on the server to make an extra EcoDollar or two!

    /repair [hand|all] *ENCHANTED EDITION*
    -Use this command to repair either the tool in your hand or all the tools in your inventory. This will work on enchanted tools! You will not be punished for repairing other users enchanted tools for a price. That is simply another way for you to make an extra EcoDollar here and there as a supporter!

    /kit anvil
    Use this command to spawn yourself 1 anvil!
    This kit can be used once every 24 hours.

    ExtCommandsPlus2 - $50.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    The Extended Commands Plus2 upgrade has some awesome new features to make your mining experience more enjoyable and productive!

    /nightvision -or- /nv
    -Use this command to enable nightvision. It will be permanently enabled until you either toggle it back off with the /nightvision command once more, change worlds, or log out of the server! This is a great little feature to see things more clearly when mininig!

    Automatic Diamond Tool / Shears / Fishing Rods / Flint Repair
    With ExtCommandsPlus2 your diamond tools, shears, fishing rods, and flint will automatically repair themselves. The way this works is this: There is a repair done at 10% remaining durability as well as one done at 1% durability (In case you already have a tool under 10%). If you notice your tool is under 10% we still recommend you use the normal /repair command in the case your automatic repair possibly malfunctions (something that should not happen).

    Anvil Tool Coloring
    You have the ability to color your tools using an anvil! Do this by using regular minecraft color codes. Please note the code "k" is blocked. As well if you are renaming a previously colored tool be sure to delete everything out of the box first as custom code from the plugin will remain even though you do not see it. Use ctrl+a to select everything in the box and hit your backspace key.

    ExtCreationsPlus - $30.00 USD
    *Feature is available in legacy/rising/aether/nether/miningworld!*
    The Extended Creations Plus feature gives you even more possibilities! Following are a list of features you will get with this feature!

    Build Cooking Pots!
    -This allows you to build a cooking pot! Decorate it any way you want. Simply place a piece of nether rack and light it. (Requires Pyro or someone with Pyro) - Afterwards build a chest right above the fire and that's it! Now place a sign on the nether rack where the second line reads "[cook]" without the quotes of course. The final product should look like so:
    Cooking Pot
    To use the cooking pot place items inside the chest which you want to cook, load the pot with fuel (right click the sign with coal) and your ready to go!

    Construct hidden switches!
    -You are able to create hidden switches that may be toggled by right clicking the block where your hidden switch sign is on. Place a block and place a sign on it where the second line is [x]. Now you may right click this block from any side and toggle the switch it is connected to!
    Front of hidden switch
    Back of the hidden switch
    As in the above example you may right click the nether rack that the switch is on from the back of it and it will toggle the lever below. Great for puzzles; secret entrances and whatever your imagination can create!

    Create light switches!
    -You are able to create light switches that may be toggled by right clicking the light switch sign. Simply make a sign with the following on the second line: "[ I ]" without the quotes and spaces of course and place a torch/redstonetorch above it. Now just right click it to toggle the torch on and off. Maximum range is 10 and maximum lights is 20. You may also customize your switch with the third and fourth line. This is used with a number value. Third line is your custom light range and fourth line is your custom max light changes.
    Lights on!
    Lights off!

    Various meters!
    -By holding glowstone dust or coal you will be able to right click on various areas to get power / light readings. Right clicking glowstone dust will show you the current light level of that block while right clicking coal on redstone objects will give you their power readings.
    Light reading!
    Power reading!

    Painting switcher!
    -A nice little painting switcher for your benefit so you don't have to constantly break / create paintings to get that painting you want. Simply right click any painting and use your mouse scroll to pick the one you want!
    #1 Maco20047, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  2. AgentHare

    AgentHare Builder
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    Oct 28, 2012
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    nice! I would suggest that andrew adds something like this on the buycraft page because it makes me nervous when I have to press buy on the donation feature to see what it is about :)
    #2 AgentHare, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  3. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Thanks, this takes a bit of time, so I'm editing as I go so if i lose anything, it's not everything, lol, but that's why I'm doing this here. :p
    #3 Maco20047, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  4. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
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    kukelekuuk00 It doesn't spam the console every time I edit this, does it?
  5. knears2000

    knears2000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Thanks maco but, this is already there. Simply go to the "Support|Upgrade" in the top row of the forums, then to "Supporter Information" and the commands will be there.
  6. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Look again. It used to be there. :p The information for each individual feature was moved to Buycraft when you click Buy.
    #6 Maco20047, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  7. knears2000

    knears2000 Builder
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    Jan 3, 2013
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    I'm sorry, I put down the wrong spot :p. You need to look at "Supporter Commands". Silly me :p
  8. AgentHare

    AgentHare Builder
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    Oct 28, 2012
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    Imo, it would be more helpful on the actual shop itself :)
  9. knears2000

    knears2000 Builder
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    Jan 3, 2013
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    I'm going to go make that suggestion :p
  10. alpert3925

    alpert3925 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Give this guy a sticky.
  11. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Thanks Alpie
  12. MrBubblez98

    MrBubblez98 Builder
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    Apr 20, 2012
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    This is great, but I recommend using spoilers with names for each. Reading all of that trying to find a particular thing can be annoying at times. Good job tho :)

  13. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I added at the top "To find a specific donation feature, type Ctrl + F and type it in!" Thanks for catching that!
  14. 12345shane

    12345shane ρяєѕι∂єитιαℓ ρяαєтσя
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    how do you sticky a thread? :p
    Do you have to bookmark it?
  15. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I think andrew has to do it himself, not sure.
  16. alpert3925

    alpert3925 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 17, 2012
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    Andrew does it. I believe all administrators have the permissions but its a no no
    #16 alpert3925, Feb 19, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014