@iTzXtremeGaming @Jonathug_ @DeNubbyCow @Ndm57dcraft @Exilenela @xX3PICREBELXx @IzTheWizKid @a18greek18 @Chundi_Jr @minecraftninja05 @partyman909 @zr2002 @skymaster200 @Bashy @GMaxx @alkylator @Raccooy @matt8865 @matrix_rep @Dccciz @Tanman17 @3point14mp Just a few
Q.Q I uh, only have 9 ++ kits. Please kindly remove me from that list. I don't think I qualify as a kitter.
How I'm not hidden on any of these boggles my mind (minus the leaderboard of course ) I do only have 2 ++ kits, CompleteControl and Grenadier. But, I have enough other kits that make me OP every 30 or so minutes
Bfr++, spy++, cc++, miq++, pf+, vsg. dang i dont think i should have boughten 3 kits in 24 hours when I dont have an adiquite wifi, or computer to even sg.
Of course, I use kits mostly only if it is available (by trying it again tomorrow) (and due to hunger caused by lack of food I had)
I don't think you get it, you aren't a donator which means you don't have sg kits, which is what this whole thread is about, xD