Minecraft Name: HeavensFallen Suggestion: Add dispensers to the spawn shops Reason: Dispensers are tedious to craft. It doesn't seem to be game changing adding them to the store so why not?
What would you use them for? It will only cause lag in the end with dispensers. I believe that is the issue.
AgentHare proves his point. Dispensers and other Diodes cause massive lag. If I'm not mistaken, this is why they were banned in the first place?
Dispensers aren't banned... Pyro and Water users can use them, and do often enough. I am all for adding dispensers to the spawn block shop.
Oh. Still no, I feel like selling a lot in bulk will cause a lot of lag with more dispensers around. I don't see them used often enough that I thought they were banned.
People use them to make semi auto water farms generally. I have dispensers set up at a nether wart and cocoa farm. No one is going to buy them in too large a number because as you are correct, not a lot of people need them. That being said, those that do, would be buying at a 5x mark-up at the spawn store. Thus, this is a suggestion to take money out of the market. The fact is, if someone wants that many dispensers they will make them, so, why not just let them remove money from the economy for something they were already going to buy/make.
They are already used in mass and not currently banned from the server which means they are already causing lag...
I had the idea that server shop sold base items and that crafting with the base items was left to players/shops (I know there are one or two exceptions like dyed stuffs) Otherwise, why not just add all crafted items (tedious or not) to the store and be done with it?
wut... "more dispensers around?" who buys a bulk amount of dispensers? Only a few people would buy "bulk dispensers," and it would be rather uncommon. I'm in full support of the idea