Minecraft Name: person13 Suggestion: Adding the ability to place dispensers only to players who have donated for extcreations and remove it from all other players in the 1.3 update. Reason: In the screenshots of 1.3 that I've seen, players will be able to place water and lava by placing a water/lava bucket inside a dispenser. Since water and fire placement are donation features, my suggestion is that we keep players from exploiting this by removing the ability for players to place dispensers without extcreations, since extcreations costs as much as fire and water placement combined. Pros: this would prevent players who haven't donated for water placement from exploiting dispensers in the next update to place water and create farms. It would also give another reason for players to get extcreations. Cons: players who have donated for fire and/or water placement wouldn't be able to use this, and it would allow people who have not donated for water/fire placement but have extcreations to use abuse this to an extent, due to them having to place a whole block to place water/lava and not ever be able to remove it without getting rid of the water/lava. Any Other Information: Link To This Plugin: N/A
-1 Dispenser only help people use water and lava, how would ext creations be involved in this? Ext creations already is getting enough perks as it is.
I am pretty sure the water and lava usage will be able to be blocked for anyone besides the people with the appropriate donator feature.
Good point. No, and I don't intend on getting it. ok, so should only players who've donated for either water or lava placement be able to place dispensers? Because I'm fairly sure you can't block someone from placing something in a dispenser, like a bucket, or keep a dispenser from dropping certain items/blocks.
ok, so should only players who've donated for either water or lava placement be able to place dispensers? Because I'm fairly sure you can't block someone from placing something in a dispenser, like a bucket, or keep a dispenser from dropping certain items/blocks.[/quote] The bukkit team can create a hook so that plugins can disable/enable water/lava placement through dispensers, so it is indeed possible to stop it from placing water/lava.
...yet we cannot get those fire ball item things from placing fire from dispensers? Seems like if you can disable lava and water, you should be able to disable fire. :|