Minecraft Name: kingjames236 Suggestion: Raise diamond price to $30 Reason: I really feel that me and most of the players on ECC think that diamonds should go up. If the server price was to go up, then the player to player trade would also go up. Other Information: N/A Link to this plugin:N/A
You used to not even be able to sell diamonds to server, pretty sure that was only added more recently. Likely because of the mining world there are now tons and tons of diamonds in circulation and thusly they have to go SOMEWHERE, so they can be sold to the server now. Which lowers the price dramatically, especially because like I said there are a ton of them now. If for whatever reason mining world was removed, then diamonds would eventually become more and more extinct until they raised in price and would not longer be sell-able to the server again. (I remember when diamonds were $120 per.) So to conclude, I highly HIGHLY doubt diamond price will be raised ANYTIME soon. It would only ever happen if diamonds were to "stop" spawning anywhere, thusly all diamonds would eventually be put into armour or tools and would break (Or people die in fire/lava etc.) causing diamond count to come down drastically and raise the price because they would be more rare.
No, diamonds are fine, with fort III you can make tons of diamonds and the price is currently up above the server price anyway.
raising the server price only raises the floor. The ceiling for diamond prices would not be affected. Only changes to the supply or demand for diamonds will change the market price (ceiling).