Greetings, ECC has come a long way. I have flown over many nests and still haven't seen the other wonders of this world, which surround us with magical land and mystical places. We now have many builders and residents, mayors, tycoons and our owner, all exceptionally gifted in many aspects of minecraft. I do believe that a 'Contest Area' is badly needed and thus I propose: A 600x600 region (9cities) with a 'Master Region Setup' that will be designated as 'Contest Area' for ecocitycraft. "I get around and my eyes are wide. I see fantastic builds !! " I hereby suggest to divide a 600x600 region into 60x60 plots (qty. 100) where individual contestants will have a 60x60 area to construct their winning creation under a master-region setup. Let's move ECC into the 23rd century !! Sincerely 151baccardi
I don't mean to be a jerk here, but I feel like we are already restricted to doing things one way, and not another. For example, formats. Almost EVERY SINGLE FORUM has a format we are expected to follow. There are tons of rules. Restrictions on towns (limit to how many). Making a DESIGNATED contest area where we have to hold our contests would go too far. I know, this is an economy server, and there should be restrictions. But making a place we are expected to hold CONTESTS? I say no, sorry.
I believe this contest area would hold official contests and things like that and user made contests wouldn't be required to be held there. Also, I remember Andrew stating that if anyone ever decides they need more than 12 towns, he may make prices for more. And the only forum formats that are required are the ban appeals/complaints, staff requests, and grief reports