Sorry guys, but I've had to decide that the fourth Tournament will not be held anytime soon. As for all your fees, you may reclaim them as soon as possible when I am online. Do not hesitate to ask for your 5k fee back because I will not be keeping the reserved spots. You will just have to re-apply when the next one it up. The decision is final and I will not be changing my mind. Too many problems could arise and this is the best solution. (I mainly posted this here because it seemed like the most appropriate place.) Glackmore runakilli Dark_Tonitrus SonnyCPretzel zardgyer elite_assassin24 jacob03082000 Limsy365 Lee1104 JBuks Billy007Bob BoomBox51 nickla3107 sleeper59 Lambo41 jackaluss77 Tdogg120 RANDOM2580 TheYoungGun jjustin0357 Skullman774 frenchhornplayer UnHolyDisciple 3point14mp Delucaco