Hi ECC! I am slowly grinding towards the crate master medal (and maybe eventually the collector prestige) I have all the eggs and 12/14 mojang heads. Rather than continually put money in mojang keys hoping I eventually get one of the few ones I need, I wanted to see if anyone had extras of the ones I need I could buy or trade for. I have: Dinnerbone C418 Notch jonkagstrom kappe Searge_DP jeb MinecraftChick vubui mollstam LadyAgnes carlmanneh I need 2 of: FruktHamster Grumm Marc Bopogamel I have available for sale/trade: LadyAgnes Dinnerbone x2 C418 Mollstam MinecraftChick jeb_ jonkagstrom Notch Thats just over half a complete set of 14 Additionally I have the following regular spawn eggs avaiable for sale/trade for needed mojang heads: Guardian Endermite Sheep Skeleton Bat Chicken Wither Zombified Piglin Wolf Polar Bear Elder Guardian Blaze Thats half a set of 24 Thanks
Hey, I have quite a few heads I don’t need. I will check tomorrow if I have any you need. I need spawn eggs myself and I am willing to buy them or trade them for some mojang heads you need and if they are still available. let me know the price you would like for all the 12 spawn eggs.