So i've got a bunch of manikins in my apartment (Taking fashion and tailoring classes). I've also got tons of super-sized grip paper. My idea would be to put a manikin in the middle of three sheets (to represent X Y and Z) and run string through the points where the grips intercept, and record points where the string is blocked by manikin. half or more blocks on a single square would mean that its "filled". I then record the X Y and Z of each 'filled' block and have the blueprints to a super-large human-shaped statue. I'm going to build it in the wild (location undisclosed) unless someone wants to donate some protected space. what do you think?
miniature version, only 30 meters high. the real one will be made of something nicer and be 100~200 high. coming out pretty well. edit. by the way, my final will have much much nicer detail, and this is only the lower half so far
Okay, this little one isn't working too well. I constantly had a crowd of 3~7 people watching me build it, and every time i went afk to figure out where the next blocks go, either someone is trying to grief or trying to kill me with gravel. Going to find a safer location, and build a bigger one, too.
You can build one in my town if you so very much desire to build one jsyk make sure it looks good or it will be torn down
deal. I'll make it out of whatever you want (but if it's really expensive you'll have to pay for the materials). i can make it male or female, and be whatever height you want. (but multiples of 30 are easiest [30, 60, 90, 120, 150, etc]) It can also be posed neutrally or in any way you want ^ ^. it can also be holding things like swords or picks