IGN: StoneIronZ Users Involved in this Contract: @XxDiamondxBackxX General Purpose of Contract: Loan I (the contract initiator) agree to the following terms, and agree that my failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract, as outlined in Rule 3: Will pay user 20k. Will give back the items stated below once the loan is paid back fully. Will keep the items if the loan is not paid back. Will not use any of the 4 items. The other user(s) involved with this contract must agree to the following terms: Will pay StoneIronZ 30k within 1 week of this contract being accepted via trade-sign set up in users town. User will give StoneIronZ: Fire Aspect II book, Unbreaking III rod, Unbreaking III Luck II Rod, and Flame I Punch II Power IV bow to hold during the time the loan is out. Late fees: Additional 10k/day for 2 weeks after the 30k is late. After 2 weeks, a complaint will be filed. I agree that the terms in this contract are subject to all of EcoCityCraft's rules, including the rules listed specifically in this forum. I understand that the contract may be affected by future changes in EcoCityCraft rules and server updates, and I accept that due to the possibility of such changes, this contract may be at my own risk. I understand that the contents of this contract are subject to staff assessment, review and approval before it is a binding contract under EcoCityCraft rules. I accept that action may not be taken in case of a breach of contract if appropriate and sufficient evidence is not provided of such.: Yes Please reply in this format: IGN: I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract:
Both parties have agreed to reject this contract, therefore, it will be denied. Contract Denied -- Unneeded