IGN: @PyroTechnix_ Users Involved in this Contract: @Cike25 Terms of the Contract: @Cike25, will receive $1,000,000 ECD from my lender @PyroTechnix_ @Cike25, will make a single payment of $1,100,000 via a chest shop set up at /warp debt by the 18/07/2023 No payment plan is required for this contract as only 1 payment is to be made I, @PyroTechnix_ agree to send @Cike25 $1,000,000 within 24 hours of this contract being accepted. I, @PyroTechnix_, agree not to file a complaint unless the full amount has not been paid by the final payment date 18/07/2023. 20k ECD of late fees will be applied for every day past the final due date. Late fees will cap after 14 days, at which point a complaint may be filed. I agree to the terms listed above: I, @PyroTechnix_, agree to the terms listed in this contract.