continuation of my old post

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bybee2011, Jun 1, 2014.

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  1. bybee2011

    bybee2011 Builder
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    May 30, 2014
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    so if you saw my old post it was locked and said to leave it to the police if not heres the link

    but the numbers at night i looked at them they were not a phone number the next night i couldn't sleep so i go to my dads room but i hear him talking on speaker phone i hide outside his room which is lock and he is talking to multiple people each called anomimus or something like that suppressible the main person talking was my dads old high school friend who is the main person he is talking to he was the ball boy at the sport my dad played i heard them he gave them the numbers they had a thing called a voice changer it sounded weird. he said since my dad protected him in high school that this was free. what is free who are these people i know a lot about my dads high school and how he played b-ball but it seems like I've been hidden underneath a blanket and i slowly getting my way out of it i found the tape of my dads high school b-ball game and the celebration after words my dad and this so called anounimus were talking away from the party whispering then they acted like they were talking normally when these football people walked up to them and started push the b-ball my dad isn't that strong now but he threw the hardest punch I've ever seen it paused there as if it stopped i look at the football person he was completely unconscious my parents always paused it after the game wining shot and we went to bed could. I'm really confused my dad said to me the morning after that night "don't worry (my name I'm keeping it away from the public) dads going to make everything ok this man will not bother us again" then he went to work with a smile i only saw on him when he gets revenge or retaliates. i don't know why I'm posting this here proboly because the people here know a lot.
  2. Dewsy92

    Dewsy92 Ex-Staff Team Troll
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    Sep 17, 2013
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    Like Clou44 said in your last thread, this is not the place to talk about things like this. Please don't continue to post about this on the forums. We do not allow locked threads to be re-created so I am going to be locking this.

    #2 Dewsy92, Jun 1, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2014
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