IGN:SolaceDevotio Users Involved in this Contract: EcoCity General Purpose of Contract: The safe purchase of a town/mayorship. I (the contract initiator) agree to the following terms, and agree that my failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract, as outlined in Rule 3: SolaceDevotio will be giving EcoCity $50,000. The other user(s) involved with this contract must agree to the following terms: EcoCity agrees to the following: The town is to be placed at the following cords: -10503,63,9652 -10703,63,9652 -10703,63,9852 -10503,63,9852 The town will be named Timaeus. EcoCity cannot use the $50,000 for anything except the town application and must put the application in immediately after the money has been sent or EcoCity will be in violation of the contract. EcoCity cannot reclaim the town under any circumstances. In the event this clause is broken EcoCity is subjected to the following terms. Must pay SolaceDevotio $200,000 In the event this is not paid, then the contract will be legally violated and as such a ban will result. Cannot remove SolaceDevotio from the ownership list, nor add or remove any member of the town or owner of the town. In the event this is not paid, then the contract will be legally violated and as such a ban will result. Cannot place or remove any blocks in the town In the event this is not paid, then the contract will be legally violated and as such a ban will result. Cannot place nor remove any locks in the town In the event this is not paid, then the contract will be legally violated and as such a ban will result.
@Ecocity do you still wish to go ahead with this contract. I will leave it open for a further 24 hours contacted player in game - awaiting response. Please leave for me to handle, thanks
EDIT: No. I will talk with her ingame. I do not agree. I have denied this contract because of the above comment please re post this thread locked and denied