Felon Username: ilanrules123 Reason: Not paying back loan, even when I gave him extra time. Evidence: file:///C:/Users/Cameron/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/screenshots/2014-01-26_12.32.44.png If ilanrules123 agrees to pay back the 10k then all charges are dropped against him from me. Thanks for reading this, UnicornBanana49
Hello, UnicornBanana49, Thank you for reporting this user to us. Before we are able to further investigate the situation, we ask that you please properly upload your images using a website such as tinypic.com. This will allow us to view you evidence and assist you to the best of our abilities. Thank you!
Ok, thanks for letting me know about the proper posting. Here is a screenshot in the correct format: *mod edit* (I think that you have to right click the link and then press 'go to' to get there) Thanks for your help, UnicornBanana49
ilanrules123 , can you please explain why you haven't paid this user back yet? Left Unlocked 24 Hours
This user has failed to reply within 24 hours. Due to that, this will result in a ban for loan scam. Thank you for filing this complaint. revanrose6 Locked-User Banned for Loan Scam