Felon Username:Craw4d4 Complaint: Not Paying Me the 9k i won in lapkingkn casino Evidence:http://imgur.com/mkvzgbD,UCH8C3z,Bn2UKXY,sPC66Rx,xvRs1mb,MS810fV,yUw5drd,2mD4w0L Additional Information: Lapkingkn was there at the time
The chat went up to fast but i had 6686.50$ then I paid 686.50$ later i ask if i could do the mineores for 400$ because i am out of money lapkingkn
I've reviewed the screenshots, and there is no evidence of an agreement between you and craw for craw to pay you. With that said, I will give you 24 hours to post additional evidence. *Left open for 24 hours*
http://imgur.com/x5nkbUH that was the mail i got from him http://imgur.com/DSKXGaH and thats what he told me. Craw4d4 please respond to this deegan987654321 if this is true from the sceenshots you broke some casino rules.
Kinghudsonwhite This isn't for your personal opinions on people. This complaint is being handled by the staff team. Please refrain from posting on complaints unless you have new information about the specific complaint to bring to the table.
Yes i know that sign says $500-$10k, a Staff member has the rights to tell you Low bids, because if they don't have the money to pay your win then they have the rights to tell you low bid. Your Money that you bet in will be paid back too you. Remember if a Staff member tells you low bids i means something not because they don't want you to win big its because they can't pay you back if you win.
Due to no evidence of an original agreement, I will be locking this thread. However, it does seem like Lapking is willing to help you out ingame. *Complaint Declined*