Felon Username: VTFAN8 Complaint: Breach of Contract Evidence: Still have not received the full 600k Additional Information: Its been more than 7 days. http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract.75305/#post-365395 http://oi39.tinypic.com/119bfk8.jpg VTFAN still owes $191,500. I ask either VTFAN returns the pickaxe, or he pay the amount due. Thank you
zedoker I have had some issues. I was supposed to make the money with my friend but he was recently banned from minecraft by his mom and I don't know when he will be returning. I know this is not a excuse to not fulfill the contract. And I would also like to state that earlier today emongolab told me that I have until Wednesday to give him the money. We are friends and I'm not sure why he made the complaint today when I was given to Wednesday to get him the money.
Wednesday latest. If I do not receive the full payment by then, I would like to have the pickaxe back in my possession.
emongolab zedoker emon. Can we come to the deal that if I don't have the money by midnight on Wednesday then I will return the pick to you and you give me back all the money that I have payed to you. And then if I continue to make money doe the pick once I teach the 600k I buy it from you with all the money going to you at one time?
We'll settle this complaint like so. VTFAN8 will have until Wednesday at midnight (C.S.T) to pay back the remaining amount of money (191,500). If the amount is not paid back by then, the EFF 7 pickaxe will be given back to emongolab, and the money will be refunded back. If none of the above occurs, then a breach of contract will occur and the appropriate consequences will be given. Locked. Player Given Until Midnight 11/13 to pay full amount.