Felon Username: Modminer1999 Complaint: Not Paying back my loan and i know hes banned but i just need my money back Evidence: getting it soon Additional Information:
Come On Man Post Those Screenies deegan987654321 Don't Let Him Get Away With This Me And Modminer1999 Have Had Some Bad Encounters Too. I Hope To Never See Him On ECC Again. (I Am Not Trying To Start A Rage Thread By Saying This So Please Don't Take It The Wrong Way).
Sorry guys but I hate to inform you that minchat or Minecraftchat screenshots are not valid evidence D: In the future you should get on the computer
Hello there, Firtst off let me re-affirm that any screenshots from Minechat cannot be used as they can be easily tampered with. So if you do have in game screenshots, please post those from the original 24 hours given. Second off, I will be issuing a forum warning to Jokerboss for minimodding and one to Whoscoolthisguy for commenting on complaints that do not pertain to you. I suggest that the both of you re-read the rules pertaining to this section, ~sick24 Warnings issued
I don't have any in game screenshots because my computer had a Internet problem and that's why I was usinginechat
Well, unfortunately we cannot use the minechat screenshots, thus there is a lack of evidence for your complaint. Because of this, I will be locking this complaint due to lack of evidence. If you do somehow get some in-game screenshots of the deal, please file a new complaint with the evidence attached. In the future, please make all deals and agreements in-game and remember to always take screenshots. Locked - Lack of evidence