Felon Username:icondigi Complaint: I bought 4 of 30 by 30 plots in his town iconville, then today when i was going to build my farm, he said the town is closing down. I payed 22k for those plots, and he just deleted everyone in the town other than KMaxwell. (Including a comayor of his town) When i asked for 22k back, he denied. He said i won't get it at all and he's closing down the town to make his private farm. Evidence: I was too busy trying to talk him to give me perm, so o forgot to take screenshots Additional Information: He didn't tell me at all when he delete everyone in the town, he told me only when i asked. When i was trying to clear my land, I dropped down a deep hole and lost all my stuff. When i find some one to go down, the stuff wasn't there. I don't why but the stuff in my inventory cost more than 30k. I would be really appreciated if someone can find it back.
As per the rule above, Icondigi is allowed to remove you for any reason, without the refund of the plot. I talked to icondigi in game, and told them that it was required to give 7 days to any resident that wants their stuff back. This was not done by thread, but by in game mail. I was notified of this. If you have anything built on the plot icondigi is required to let you get it for the next 7 days. However, you will not receive a refund, unless Icondigi chooses to do so. As for you dying on your plot and your items disappearing, any item on the ground is fair game. Anyone in the town could've picked them up, or they could've been deleted during an Auto-butcher. Sorry that this misfortune happened to you, but there isn't anything I can do. Locked.