Minecraft Username:17alexalex Reason: Backed out of auction sale on a eff IV unbr III silk touch pick that he sold for 9k. I was the highest bidder and I explained to him that as a builder they drop the items first since it is hard to trust some builders. He kept refusing to drop the pick and then filed a complaint saying that I stole the pick and tped away. He never once dropped the pick for me to pick it up. I have a picture of the auction going on but it ended with my high bid of 9k. I tried to give him more then 1 opportunity to drop the pick so I could pay but he kept acting oblivious to the fact and would log off. Evidence:
Unfortunately there is nothing I can do as there are no images that provide evidence of what you accuse, therefore if you have screenshots of the aforementioned please make a new complaint with them. Locked