Felon Username: dpatt888 Complaint: Failure to pay back loan Evidence: http://imgur.com/DznU1p7 http://imgur.com/6r93unH Additional Information: Over a month late, time to pay it back
I have every intention of paying it back. I want to pay it back. I just got my new internet... maybe we can work something out for more $$$$
Uno month meanining? 3 Weeks? 4? 6? 45? please clearify, or just make the contract and link it here, that always works too
Since you both seem to be ok with @dpatt888 extending time and payback amount, I am going to be locking this. Feel free to start a forum PM or contact each other in-game to discuss the details of the new contract. But for now, since you are both in agreement of this new deal, I will be locking this thread. Locked, issue resolved.