Felon Username:sputnick587 Complaint:i was doing a water job with nick and i tped him back but typed /tpa nick and tped sput and he kills me under water bye not leting me get back up then takes my stuff and runs off and does not wanna give it back to me after asking him nicely Evidence:ask nick and look at my spleef soon to be pool arena and u can look at sputs chest or enventory for a water infinty 1 and protection 1 gold helamt used a bit Additional Information: i would like my stuff bakc or a compansation from him
I accepted a TP and you drowned. I took the items and left. No rule breaking there. I was there for probably a whole 10 seconds, not enough time for someone to drown. How did I push you? When I tp'd I spawned underwater.
Josh was coming up to breathe and then you shoved him and jumped on his head, where you took his stuff and left.
i told u i was tpaing nickvaras not u and u took my stuff and would not give it back and trolling me by saing i threw it away...
Without any evidence such as a screenshot, we cannnot do anything. If you have any sort of evidence please repost with evidence. Keep in mind witnesses aren't adequate evidence. Locking before this turns into a flame war. Locked