Felon Username: Primzey Complaint: MelonSword Payment Plan Failure/Scam. Evidence: Original Contract: http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract-payment-plan.70853/#post-342727 Screenshots of transfer of Sword: Chest Sword was transferred in: Sword In Chests: Him and MelonSword: Him Losing sword: Him Losing sword 2: Additional Information: I sold my MelonSword to Primzey on a 2 week payment plan. He died with sword. Its been 3 weeks and his extension time has expired a day ago. http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/contract-payment-plan.70853/#post-342727 He claims he has been too busy too earn anything at all. He has sent me a total of 78892.46/550000. http://imgur.com/XoWyiit,I8jOha8#0
Hello, I will be giving Primzey 24 hours from this post to prove that he has paid off the remaining amount of debt that has been stated in the contract listed. Left Open for 24 hours for further evidence to be posted.
Primzey is currently banned for a separate reason. Ban reason will be updated to include Breach of Contract. Locked. User Ban Reason Updated.