Minecraft Username: pikachuchase, yokeby52 & Tdogg120 Reason: Harrasment for over 1hr, stealing and flying through secured walls (Hacking?) Reason: pikachuchase and yokeby52 tried trolling me and my friend whilst we was building our new town. They got into our SECURE room by FLYING through walls which was witnessed by physicistsmom and another mod. Evidence: physicistsmom and another mod both witnessed this and asked how the did it. Their response was "Supreme Haxors" and they were "disguised as another player" The mods said "Tdogg120" was involved. TDogg120 had earlier tp'd to this location to give us anvil services. So my conclusion is that he/she is using this function in order to troll and harrass players. Sorry if any of this info is wrong... as they said "They were disguised"
This situation is being handled in-game, if the users resume their actions they will be dealt with as they have already been instructed by staff to stay away from the location and the users involved, if they are discovered to be harassing/trolling these players again they will be removed from our community for both trolling and not following staff instructions, they have been expressly warned about this and any continuation will result in a ban. #Note: I was the other mod Locked.