Craftychips had an auction for his co-ownership of his town, or you know, so i bided as shown below and he said hrd. So then,he was doing sg... so i waited.... then when he was done he said "What? I am not in the mood and did not finish the auction. as shown below Also.... I have a screen of him starting the auction Sorry about the small words, but it is there.
zjkhan I will need a screenshot that includes what he was auctioning. Please be sure to include that. 24 hours given to provide applicable screenshots.
He just did the exact same thing to me, I couldn't get pictures but he scammed me out of 12k so can this be sorted plz
yah prob is... i need an unedited copy of his "Auct" so.... yah............ alialbatros i feel yer pain..
A few of my friends have been asking me if he is trusted. They thought he wasnt because of "something". Probs this.
zjkhan, It has been well over 24 since you were asked to post unedited screenshots. Because we still haven't received them I will have to close up this complaint without taking action. Please feel free to post another complaint once you have the proper screenshots to provide. Locked