Felon Username: Noah1237 Complaint: User is Wrongly accusing me of multiple things. He says i removed him from the area51 region Which i dont even have permission to do. Also he is accusing me of pming a supermod and getting him kicked and the server taking all of his pumpkins. Evidence: Hes still added to the town. I do not have any evidence of him accusing me of getting him kicked as the user refuses to Pm me back. Additional Information: He made the complaint about me getting him kicked to iHydroponic. iHydroponic will be making a post in this thread.
Noah came to me and said that he was confronted by TheFriskyChip and a super-mod. He then told me that the super-mod kicked him from the sever and stole his pumpkins. Then i asked chip about it and he said he knew nothing of this. So he contacted a SMod and there were no kicks in that hour of time that it was supposed to happen ( From 4:00pm - 5:00pm PST ) The deal was to rent out my farm to noah for 5k an hour. Once i sent him a pm telling him that a SMod said there were no kicks in the last hour he said that we was removed from the town ( Which Frisky Can do ), But then after putting some heat on him about and exposing some gaps in the story he then sent me 4k. Weird right? Thats what i thought. Note: Frisky Was not too happy about noah being there because he took up floors on the farm which he was farming.
New Info: He is now apologizing and saying he does not want to get banned, which leads me to believe he tried to scam me. Whit that said i would like him to pay me the 1k from the last hour and 2500$ for the 30 min he just had and a temp ban. I have screenshot if needer
Unfortunately there is not much we can do for the trade issue. However if this user is harassing you guys, please get screenshots as proof and open a new complaint. Once we have proof we can handle the issue accordingly.