Felon Username: nightcrawler_5 Complaint: I had just come out of the portal to the arena and was walking toward the entrance. I had not entered the arena, and had not seen the "PVP" alert show up. I was about to enter when nightcrawler threw a splash potion in front of me. While I did not hit F2 fast enough, I was able to get a shot of the perpetrator as well as two witnesses, powner2000 and a certain "digs." (I can't make out his name.) Evidence: This image does not truly show him in the act, as I did not act fast enough. However, I believe this "digs" character did witness it. I do not know his username, but I do believe it starts with "digz." Additional Information: I believe he was doing it intentionally, as he tossed into the middle of the hallway to the entrance to the arena. I was not in the arena at the time, I actually was walking towards it, but I had not gone into it before nightcrawler threw the potion.