[Complaint] Nickvaras777

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by CordialBacon, Jun 29, 2011.

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  1. CordialBacon

    CordialBacon Builder
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    Jun 14, 2011
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    Nickvaras777 said to me "i'm coming over to your town", i was like "cool". After reading a sign in my apartment building store, he said can i get a stack of cobble for 8 dollars, and I'm like well here you can get a stack of cobble for 5 dollars, then we argued about how the sign was. He tested out the sign and said that it gave him only two cobble, but he paid 5 dollars, while I was trying to fix the sign, (and not scuseding) he gave the cobble back and DEMANDED a refund or he would kill my dog and destroy my bed, he even said he'd push me off my apartment building, but luckily i got down to the apartments without being harmed. he kept saying gimme a refund or give me a stack of cobble. i kept saying to him "It's 5 DOLLARS, not 5 hundred dollars, get over it." and he is like "NO" i also kept saying " it was an accident OK? it was suppose to be a whole stack of cobble not 2 cobble. it was only five dollars, not five hundred dollars". He could of easily mine a few coal and got that money back. He didn't stop complaining until i gave him 5$. If this had happened with my friend, The_3454, he would of just shrugged it off and said, "it's OK, it was an accident right?" I would've been like "right" but nick just kept saying "gimme my money back or I'll destroy your bed. (dun dun dun)" or "gimme a stack of cobble or I'll kill sire Wolfy II (my dog)". At that point i was so mad that i just gave him his money back. He could've at least said this " OK, can i please have my money back? or at least a stack of cobble?" if he had asked nicely in the first place then i might've just said "yes" but if you beg for your money back and threaten to break or kill something, it's a lot less Lilly I'm giving you ANYTHING back. I don't think he should be banned, no where near that, but at least jailed for a few minutes. ( I realize something like this Andrew might just ignore and say it was my fault for making the sign wrong, but, i never said nickvaras777 had to try it out, and i never encouraged him.) :x
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  2. D0rc

    D0rc Builder
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    Apr 26, 2011
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    5 dollars...how does this even happen...really, 5 is like nothing...anyway none of this stuff seems bad enough for even a kick, I'm just wondering how this even happens, and threatening to break a bed...why do I doubt most of this ever happened, geez, I'm not doing anything about it...nobody did anything bad...from what I see, nobody deserves any punishment.
  3. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
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    Apr 16, 2011
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    Raging over $5 in-game dollars and cobblestone is lulzy, tbh.

    First.. Breaking a bed is almost nothing, and not hard to fix. (That would barely count as minor grief. And he didn't do it, so he didn't grief.)
    Andrew doesn't monitor wolf killing or anything. That would be your own problem if he did it.
    This is in your town.. Not an official town yet, but for the most part, it's your problem to deal with.

    And.. just.. This isn't jail-worthy. It's still a complaint, yeah, but a complaint over something silly. Jailing him probably wouldn't help much, anyway... -shrugs-
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