Felon Username: iStomp_Kittens Complaint: User is still harrassing and abusing me Via Text ingame. Previous Complaint about this user (posted less than week ago). http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/complaint-istomp_kittens.69355/ Evidence: http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/9275/urvf.png This is just a small example of him blatantly insulting me in global. Additional Information: Use has done this multiple times in the past, not just to be but to an array of users. search up his complaints and list of prior bans and you'll see he has a history of repeating these actions and abusing users.
This complaint may have offended you but with this screen shot as your only evidence for the complaint he has not done anything warranting punishment. The term you suck is in common usage and is not inherently malicious. Locked