Felon Username: EVILBANDICOOT Complaint: He gets mad and just rages for no reason, and I'm tired of it! Whenever he gets mad he just goes and destroys his house, then threatens to break down more until he gets his way. Evidence:I have a picture, but it is from another server, so I cant show it, but in that picture he said that he hated EcoCityCraft. Additional Information:I'm tired of him doing this, its been very stressful having to deal with him, I know this won't probably be enough to ban him, I just wanted you to know. Also if you do ban him don't ban his IP because his brother plays on this server too. Thank you for looking at this complaint.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Some people will get angry at certain things to an extent of saying they hate it. If he ever does anything that is against the rules, you are more than welcome to post a complaint, but for now he has done nothing wrong. Locked.