Felon Username:accusolHD Complaint:On Sunday, May the 5th, around 9:00 A.M. central time, I loaned accusolHD $20,000 in agreement that within a week (May 12th) he would pay me back $30,000. Now he is says i am a scammer and won't pay me. Evidence:Below Additional Information:He claims that he only remembers talking to someone with the "buc" in the name. I am a resident saving for mayor and i cant get there if i am getting robbed of my money
Like I said. If he can get evidence of him paying me the money then I am not paying him. I don't know if this is the guy but i'm not taking any chances. If he can get proof then I would be happy to pay him
Thats proof telling you that someone else had that in there name... Get proof of you paying me Buckshot.
Hello, accusolHD please stay out of this complaint for now and let the moderator group handle it. Buckshot, we will need evidence of you paying accusol the money and a screen shot of him saying he would pay it back and by what day and how much. In order to proceed with your complaint. Thank you, ~WiKiDOne~
WiKiDOne Alright Wikid. I thought I was allowed to reply on this type of stuff but I guess not. Have a good day -Matt
As there is not enough evidence to prove that the money was paid out in the first place, there is unfortunately no action we can take here. If you happen across evidence of the payment and agreement terms of the loan, please feel free to post another complaint. Locked.